"Good night." Derek says and Issac rolls his eyes before heading up stairs.

"What's happening later?" I ask Derek. "Just something to help try and re jog Issac's memory." Derek says and I raise an eyebrow. "Well is it anything like what Peter did to him? That was so dangerous." I say and Derek shakes his head no. "It's sort of like hypnosis, just colder." Derek says and I roll my eyes.

After a few hours, I drove Issac and Derek to the animal clinic and we headed inside alongside Scott and Stiles.

When we went inside I spent the whole time glaring at Derek whilst filling this tub up with ice cubes.

Issac knelt down beside the tub and I put my hand on his shoulder. "How slow does his heart rate need to be?" Scott asks and I turn to Deaton. "Very slow." He says and I glare at Derek again.

"Well how slow is very slow?" Derek asks whilst choosing to ignore me. "Nearly dead." Deaton says and I wince and continue to glare at Derek.

Issac puts his hand in the tub and immediately takes it back out. "It's safe though, right?" Issac asks and we both turn to Deaton. "Do you want me to answer honestly?" Deaton says and I glare yet again at Derek whilst Issac answers with a "No. Not really."

"Can you cut that out?" Derek asks whilst looking at me firmly. "This is a stupid idea. Your stupid idea." I say to Derek. "It was actually mine." Scott says and I scoff.

"It's a stupid idea. There are better ways to give someone hypnosis that isn't nearly killing them." I say to Derek who just rolls his eyes.

"They're only kids after all, they're just trying to help." Derek mimics and I roll my eyes.

"I'll be fine Nia. I'm not going to die. Im sure they'll get me put if I get too close. We need to find Erica and Boyd and honestly I don't mind if it means I nearly die to save them. They'd do it for me." Issac says and I nod and take a deep breath.

Isaac nears the tub and Derek looks up at him. "If this feels to risky, you don't have to do this." Derek says and we all agree with him. Issac then takes a deep breath beforr climbing into the tub. Once he was in Scott and Derek dunk him immediately.

Issac's roar had me move away from the tub as he accidentally splashes in attempt to get out. It really was freezing.

All three boys tried to hold Issac down and I just couldn't bare to not hold him down. I know this is for Erica ans Boyd, but there are safer ways.

Once Issac had calmed I turnt to look at him.

"Now remember." Deaton starts. "Only I tall to him. Too many voices will confuse him and draw him out." Deaton says and turns from me to Derek.

"Issac can you hear me?" Deaton starts and we all focus on him. "Yes. I can hear you." Issac responds as I suddenly find the urge to walk back over to the tub and stand beside Stiles.

"This is doctor Deaton. I'd like to ask you a few questions, is that all right?" He asks. "Yes." Issac responds calmly.

"I wanna ask you about the night you found Erica and Boyd. I want you to remember it for me in as vivid detail as possible. Like you're actually there." Deaton says and Issac becomes unsettled.

"I don't wanna do that." He repeats getting agitated. The light in the room began to flash along with the thunder and lightning outside.

"Just relax. They're just memories, you can't be hurt by them." Deaton says. "I don't wanna do that." Issac says. "Just relax." Deaton repeats and Issac does exactly that.

"Now, lets go back to that night. To the place you found Erica and Boyd." Deaton says calmly. "Can you tell me what you see?" He asks. "Is there some kind of building? A house?" He asks.

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