Chapter 14

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4 months later

It's been a long summer. I've been hanging out with Derek and Issac far too often. Any lead off of my dad about the whereabouts of Erica ans Boyd, I tell Derek straight away.

Derek has also been worried about my health, he acts worse than my dad. He tries to get me out of the house everyday for long walks. Honestly, it's stupid. I'm a very healthy person, I just don't get out that often.

I also brought a coffee shop over the summer, which was very well hectic and kept me quite busy.

Me and Derek headed into our coffee shop. Well it wasn't our coffee shop but we always come here. It's the place we get coffee for each other from and it's where we met when I came back to town, after the time in my house.

As Derek opened the door for me I noticed something on the door. A sign saying it was closing down.

I turn to Derek with a sad pout. "They can't close this place down. It's our place. Where else are we gonna go?" I ask and he just looks down at me confused.

"It's a coffee shop Ni, there are plenty more." He says and I groan. "We have to save it. It's our place. This is out thing." I say and he chuckles. "How do you expect we do that?" He asks and I shrug. "Buy it or something." I say and he laughs again.

Derek was so shocked when he found out I actually brought it. He never thought I'd actually do it. But I have a degree in business, there isn't loads I can do. I have this coffee shop now for Derek and I. I have good income and im happy.

Today is Stiles first day back at school for his junior year.

I had woken beside Derek, in my bed. I know my dad isn't going into work too early as it's Stiles first day back to school.

I head downstairs quickly and make Stiles his lunch and make breakfast. I just decided to use the blueberry muffins I made last night for breakfast.

I made some coffee and went upstairs to find dad and Stiles.

Dad was stood outside Stiles room so I handed him his coffee. "Stiles your breakfast is on the table." I say and he nods whilst typing away on his laptop.

"Do you know how many vehicle collisions last year involved deer? 247,000." Stiles says and I turn to dad confused.

"Oh, god. Please go to school." Dad says and I scoff. "But that's crossing the road. This one last night came right down the middle." Stiles says and I lean against the door frame.

"I'm not gonna beg you." Dad says moving into the room. "Okay, good. I'm impervious to your influence anyway." Stiles says and dad turns to me and I just shrug at him.

"Would you consider a bribe?" Dad asks Stiles. "You couldn't meet my price." Stiles says not taking his eyes off of his laptop.

"Extortion?" Dad asks. "You got nothing on me." Stiles says and I just look inbetween them both. "Yeah." Dad says before pulling Stiles chair away from his desk and ignoring Stiles pleas.

"Breakfast is on the table." I repeat to Stiles who was now lying on the floor. Me and dad laugh before walking away.

Dad leaves for work shortly after that. Once dad leaves, Derek comes downstairs. "Ugh." Stiles groans whilst grabbing a muffin and his bag. "Bye." He says to me before rushing out the door.

I leave Derek to eat breakfast before rushing upstairs to have a shower. Once I get out of the shower, I leave time for Derek to go in.

I put on some blue denim high waisted shorts and then a pale pink sweatshirt.

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