Wanda gets closer to you and she puts her head on your shoulder and your hand around her waist, looking at Steve and Nat

He rubs her back and he starts to cry

Y/n- Am I dreaming or he is crying ?

W- She is his friend, it's normal...

She said softly

Y/n- Yeah, friends...

Wanda don't answer, you look at her and you notice her eyes are closed, she smiles

You take her in your arms like earlier and you whisper to her

Y/n- You can sleep now beautiful...

You get closer to Steve and you push him with Wanda in your arms to access Nat's bed.

Y/n- Excuse me "Iceman America" I need space and Nat needs to take some rest !

S- Don't call me like that please !

You give Steve a nasty look and you put Wanda in the bed, under Nat's smile, looking at Wanda.

Nat hugs Wanda and Wanda falls asleep on her.

You take Steve's arm and walk away from Nat's bed.

Y/n- Talk to me better Steve !

S- No, I talk to you as I want !

Y/n- Since when ?!

S- Since I stayed with her when you were not there, since I saw that Wanda was so sad that she didn't even notice that I was in the room ! You don't deserve them ! The only person that interests you is you and only you Y/n !

You look at him and you try not to get too angry

Y/n- Get out...

S- What ? No I-

Y/n- Get out of here ! Now !

You look at him with shining yellow eyes

He tries to say something but he leaves.

You go back to Nat and you see Wanda asleep with her head on Nat's chest.

N- Hey

Y/n- Hi Nat...

She looks at you worried

N- What's wrong babe ?

Y/n- Nothing it's just... I...

N- Come here

She grabs your hand and pulls you to her so that you sit on the bed.

You look at the ground trying not to cry.

N- Talk to me babe, tell me, what's wrong ?

Y/n- I- I wasn't there...

N- What are you talking about ?

She said, stroking your hand

Y/n- I'm talking about you... I wasn't there, Wanda was and she didn't sleep for a while just because I wasn't there too...

N- What were you doing then ?

Y/n- "Saving the world" like dad said !

You said sarcastically

N- Sweetheart... I understand, I don't blame you, you had no choice...

She puts her hand on your cheek and you hold back the tears

Y/n- No... we should have asked someone else... I should have done like Wanda and stay with you the whole month ! I am stupid, I only think of me! I should have been with Wanda and console her, be near her when she cried at your bedside...

N- You were sad too... You just face the thing differently Y/n...

Y/n- No... I should have thought of Wanda too... she hasn't slept for weeks Nat ! Just because I wasn't with her ! She was only with you and you were in a coma, during this time I was fighting against Hydra !

N- Y/n... Don't talk about you like that, I love you and Wanda loves you too, she told you she was mad at you ?

Y/n- No...

N- What did she say then ?

You smile lightly

W- I said that, when you took me in your arms I didn't wanted you to put me down, just because I missed your arms, I feel confortable in you arms...

You look at Wanda and she didn't move, she still has her eyes closed and her head on Nat's chest.

Your smile disappears...

Y/n- This is exactly what I said... I should have been there to hug you and let you sleep instead of dealing with my sadness on my side fighting Hydra and their bitches...

N- It's not your fault either, the world needs someone to save it

You look at her about to cry

Y/n- I'm- I'm sorry Nat... I'm so sorry Wanda...

You start to cry and Nat hugs you, Wanda gets up slightly and takes part in the hug.

W- We love you Y/n

Y/n- I love you too my babies...


We blame ourselves for not having been there to take Wanda in our arms to let her sleep and not to have been with Nat 🥺🥺

(1134 words)

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