"Ryujin unnie! Come here, I'll introduce you to my friends" Yuna called out

Ryujin then went towards them and finally Yeji unfroze and was panicking inside because she's thinking as to why the said girl was going towards them.

'Oh no, why is she going here. Did she notice me staring because that's embarrassing as hell' Yeji thought

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a familiar voice

"Hey unnies, this is Ryujin unnie, she's new in the team but she's an ace. Ryujin unnie, these are my unnies and friends, Chaeryeong, Yeji and Lia" Yuna introduced

"Oh don't flatter me too much Yuna. I'm just trying my best to play well" Ryujin said as she blushed a little

Yuna then laughed and side hugged her, "You deserve to be complimented unnie and you really are an ace"

Soon the three introduced themselves and greeted Ryujin

"Hi nice to meet you, I'm Chaeryeong"

"Hi, I'm Lia" Lia greeted as she flashed her eye smile towards Ryujin which is certainly one of her charms not to flirt but to tease Yeji which the latter responded to by glaring at her

You can say that it somehow worked because Ryujin smiled at that yet her full attention was already on the cat eyed girl who was about to introduce herself

"H-Hi, I'm Yeji nice to meet you"

'Fuck since when did I stuttered' Yeji scolded herself

"I know, I have watched some of your vlogs because Yuna watches them" Ryujin said as she smiled

Yeji then got flustered but remembered that she hasn't greeted Yuna yet. "Hey Yuna, I'm sorry I just greeted you now hehe" So Yuna just chuckled before saying that it's fine

"Nice to meet you all but I'm going back to my things and prepare. I hope we all get to meet again some other time" Ryujin said as she smiled at the three before going back down to her seat

The four then just continued to talk and catch up a bit for the haven't hang out much since Yuna was busy with practices for this upcoming competition. After a few minutes Yuna was called to go back because the game is starting in about 5 mins

"Hey unnies, I need to go back now. Enjoy the game okay and let's hang out later" Yuna said

The three then said their goodlucks and wishes to Yuna and hugged her as well knowing how the youngest loves receiving physical affection asides from words because it boosts her confidence more in playing

"Play well our youngest, we'll be here to support and cheer you!" The three said before Yuna really went back and smiled widely as she made a heart above her head


Soon the game finally started and LG team was leading the game. They were in their seventh inning already and the three could have never been more happy as well as proud because LG is leading and Yuna is pitching and really playing well, no doubt for she's one of the best players in the team. As the batter misses four swings, it was finally a strike out and after that the other team continued leading till the eighth inning.

Determined and competitive, Ryujin was not letting this pass. She makes sure that they'll win for her team, for her first game and for Yeji who she undoubtedly wants to impress with her skills but she won't admit that out loud.

They were finally leading the game and Ryujin is the last batter. Everyone watching the game knows that if Ryujin does well or hits a home run to lead more then they'll win. This made everyone supporting LG team nervous because they have seen the skills of Ryujn in the past innings and she was indeed good but of couse you never know what might happen

The pitcher then gets ready to throw ball so as Ryujin who will bat. It was then silent for seconds before screams were heard from the stadium because Ryujin did it, she even got a home run


"RUN 17 RUN!"

"GO 17!"


Everyone was cheering on as Ryujin completed the four bases before they were really declared as winners.


True to her words, Yuna did hangout with the three because the team celebration would be happening tomorrow. She also invited Ryujin who said yes without hesitation which confused and amazed Yuna because a hangout with Ryujin depends on the mood she's currently feeling and who she's invited by.

They all then decided to have a sleepover as well in Lia's house. As the night went on, they all celebrated, partied and talked. Of course the rooms per pair were already prepared with Chaeryeong being paired up with Yuna and Yeji being paired with Ryujin as per the three making sure this happens.

Yeji who was currently really drunk because she has low tolerance is being brought by Ryujin to their assigned room for the night. Luckily, Ryujin was strong enough to carry her because the girl has been stumbling while walking and was stubborn to accept help so she had no choice but to carry her in bridal style so things would be easier and faster.

As she layed down Yeji on the bed, the latter then suddenly pinned her down and went on top of her which made her panic because she doesn't know what the other was up to

Yeji just squished Ryujin's cheeks and kissed it before responding, "You're really so pretty. You've caught my attention so much number 17"

After that Yeji then layed down and instantly passed out not knowing that what she said made Ryujin flustered and her hearbeat fast. Ryujin then decided to shrug it off and slept happily because the day has certainly been so great and who knew that Yeji was such a cute and flirty drunk.


Yuna's form when she pitched was so satisfying though, it's like when Yeji did it before; it was really similar. As for Ryujin, of course it was funny but cute since she missed the ball when batting but didn't miss the chance to be funny by pretending that she hit it hard while the members were also just supporting her with that. They're all so cute

might do a part 2 of this, i'll think about it

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