After the call, she received a text from Mia, saying that she still got work to do so Clarisse should just start preparing by herself. Mia is a strong competent woman, Clarisse was sure she could take care of herself in just a little time. So she just wished her good luck and can't wait to see her later in the dinner.

The dress was very easy to put on so she did that first and moved onto the makeup. She's not very skilled in that area so she decided to search for some inspiration and tutorials on pinterest or youtube. There are so many good looks but she doubted that she could pull it off by herself, so she just went with one of the simplest ones at the end. Heck, she didn't even know if she could wing her eyeliner evenly.

Her makeup was almost complete, only missing the lips. Thankfully, she brought enough makeup with her so she didn't have to buy anything else here. Suddenly the door snapped open, revealing Charles.

She could see him through the reflection on the vanity mirror that he stood there frozen. Still in the red polo shirt and with the cap covering his head. He was holding a box in his hand.

"Charles, your mouth is open." Clarisse said with a flat face, their eyes met through the mirror.

He gulped down and averted his eyes, then locked the door. With her back exposed to him like that, he couldn't help but get his brain stopped working. He wanted to say something but he couldn't find any words so he just walked closer to her.

She put on her lipstick and patted some of the pigment onto her lips to spread the product evenly. Charles licked his own lips at the sight. "Do you need help with anything?" she asked when she noticed that Charles was looking at her intently.

"Um... no," he stammered. He went into the shower and the next second she could hear the water running. In just ten minutes or so, he came out with the bathrobe wrapped around his body and went straight to the closet, picking up his suit.

Sigh. Boys only needed little time to get ready where girls probably need an hour or so for formal occasions like this. Clarisse looked at the time and she saw that there's only half an hour to go until the event starts. She pulled out her simple black stilettos out of the closet and easily slipped into them.

When she turned around, Charles was standing in the opposite direction, trying to get his tie right. She noticed from the back that his collar on his nape was folded in the wrong way. So she just went straight to him and unfolded it.

Damn this carpeted floor. He couldn't hear her walking towards him. Honestly, he was a bit startled when she accidentally touched his nape. "It was messy," she said curtly. Then he replied with a simple "Thanks. Come here."

In front of the vanity again, he pushed her shoulder down so that she was now sitting. He pulled out the box from earlier and she saw it from the mirror. "Is it like a necklace or something?" she jokingly asked.

"Nope." he opened the box and showed it to her. "It's an earring," he continued.

It's the typical long ones with pearls and silver accents at the end. "It's stunning..." she mumbled while her eyes sparkled with adoration. "Is it for me?" she asked.

"No. It's for me. Of course, it is for you, silly." Charles chuckled. "I want to put it on you," he said while chuckling. Clarisse also laughed and turned her body around while still seated. "Well you can try," she leaned in a bit so he could see her ear better.

Charles kneeled down in front of her and took out one earring from the box. "Tell me if it hurts," he said carefully. Honestly, he was a bit nervous as he had never done this before in his life. The tip of the earring entered her skin slowly and suddenly she let out a yelp.

"What? What happened?" Charles panicked and he froze in place, anticipating a blood drip or something. Clarisse shut her eyes and slowly peeked to look at his face.

And let out a loud laugh.

"I'm just messing with you."

"What the... Clarisse!" his heart almost stopped at the thought of hurting her. "I thought I stabbed you or something!" he said with a huff. The tip of his ears were reddening.

Clarisse laughed to her heart's content, letting her head fall back a little bit. The two shared a laugh and then Charles successfully put on the second piece of the earring with ease. Perfection.

She looked so pretty. And that dress.. Oh god, that dress killed him.

"So... how do I look?" she asked him shyly while fidgeting with her white purse. Charles took no time but to steal a kiss from her. "You look perfect." he smiled.


Kiana here again! I wish you like the chapter :") I'm currently writing some chapters ahead of this one so I'll be updating regularly soon. 5.1k reads, I am so surprised and glad yo thank you so much for the attention! I never thought anyone would read this but, I can't say otherwise than thank you! See you on the next chapter~

Not My Sister - Charles LeclercOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora