Chapter 12

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3rd Person POV

"Yes, good afternoon to you too, kind sir," she smiled and put her phone on the windowsill, next to the sink in the kitchen.

"Unfortunately, the sun's not even here anymore. It's so dark outside, see?" Lando opened the curtain of his hotel suite and showed Clarisse the evening night in Baku City.

Clarisse paused washing the dishes for a while and furrowed her brows, looking at her phone screen. "You're only two hours ahead of me but, sure, sure, Mr. Time Traveller," she sassily teased.

Lando chuckled at her cheeky joke and took a good look at her. She was wearing her casual home attire; just an oversized grey t-shirt and plaid shorts. Not too short and looked very comfortable at the same time. She also wore a rather old looking apron. Cute.

"How are you and Carlos? I heard that the internet is currently crazy of your bromances, or whatever they call it."

The british on the other side instantly groaned in desperation. "It's all because McLaren's dropping so much content including us! It's their fault."

"Congratulations, you're a celebrity now."

He laughed lightly, shaking his head, "No, we're athletes."

Clarisse shrugged her shoulder while moving onto the next dirty plate, "Pretty much the same thing, huh?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, answering your previous question, yes, we're both doing fine. Just a lil tired from all the exercise and the shooting stuff."

"Ouch... to be a celebrity,"

Lando jokingly glared at the screen, "Stop it!" he laughed instantly. "Okay, no more about me. What matters is you, little lady. How are things going in Monaco?" Lando couldn't help but got a little curious since she returned home so suddenly.

He thought she would say goodbye first or text him and the others at the very least. They're friends, right?

"Everything's okay here. I'm doing very well. Mama suddenly needed my help with the house because some of the in-laws are coming this weekend." She expertly made up the lie.

"I see..." Lando wondered. His blue-grey eyes wandered elsewhere while he lied onto the bed, holding his phone up. "We miss you, Clarisse." he continued.

"I miss you too... it's only been a week but I miss you guys so much." Clarisse never really had many friends her age to begin with. It was honestly the first time she could have a fun time with people close to her age. She spent her entire life with the Leclerc's after all. The people in the house were pretty much all the people she interacted with.

Seeing Lando only smiled and didn't give her another response, she thought he might have expected more from her answer, so she continued.

"Don't worry, I never miss the broadcast. Even though I'm not there with you physically doesn't mean that I'm not keeping an eye of you guys. I can spot every track limit corruption you all did." she pointed at him jokingly.

Lando chuckled nervously. "Uh oh, I think I'm in danger. Your eyes might be even sharper than the FIA's."

They continued to chat with each other and before Lando realized it, the clock almost struck midnight. Clarisse noticed he started to look even more tired than before. "Lando, are you sleepy?"

The boy instantly jerked up his body and did a little stretch. "No, no. I'm wide awake."

"No. You deserve rest. You said you're gonna have exercise with your trainer tomorrow right?"

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