Chapter 2: Beauty 😘

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Five of us sat in my room as we discussed the issue beforehand.

"This 'Beauty' is really getting out of hand," our manager said, while the rest of us sat quietly unsure what to reply. "I already informed BigHit, they're now increasing security."

"I really think Jin-hyung should take a break," Hoseok-hyung suggested.

"We just had a 1-month vacation though," Yoongi-hyung muttered.

"But this is his mental health we're talking about," Jungkook insisted, upset at the fact it's his favorite hyung that's perishing.

All of us were disappointed that it's our hyung that's dealing with all of this when he clearly shouldn't be.

I, on the other hand, was quiet, clenching the object on my right hand as I leaned on one of the tables in my room.

"What do you think Taehyung?" Manager now insisted on my opinion.

However, all my opinion was that I'm angry.

"Why can't they just give us all a break?" I muttered.

"I mean... We're human too, right?" My voice was getting bit by bit louder as I looked for some answers in my member's faces. "We have our own rights, and our own privacy..."

I clenched my fist harder. "We can't date people because it'll be a scandal. We can't even have sex because of the fear of some other people filming us!" I was complaining at this point, recalling that time where an audio of Jimin having his pleasures circulated in the internet. Thank god it didn't blew up. We didn't even tell him, so he can still sleep after that. No doubt, if he knew, he'd be sleep deprived to this day.

"Taehyung —" Yoongi-hyung butted in.

"Or get attempted to be kissed randomly as we go back to our hotel room," I added his instance, full of rage.

They are going too far. Why can't they just understand we are scared —

"Hyung, your hand!" Jungkook gasped, grabbing the object from my hand.

I didn't notice that the cutter I stole from Jin-hyung was already cutting me, droplets of blood falling to the floor of my room.

"Hyung, I know you're mad but don't go hurting yourself," the maknae starts getting teary-eyed. "I'll go fetch the medicine kit from one of the staff," he volunteered. Meanwhile, Hoseok-hyung trailed behind him to help.

As they left my room, Yoongi-hyung stood from the bed where he was sitting and led me there to sit as well.

"Calm down Tae," Yoongi-hyung tried to soothe me. "I know you're angry... we all are, but look, you just hurt yourself."

The scene of Jin-hyung crying resurfaced my mind, making my heart broken. A wave of different emotions hit me as tears started floodling my face.


It broke my heart seeing my hyung like that.


It hurt even more that I couldn't do anything to help him.

"Hey... If you're worried you're not able to do anything, you did," Manager assured me.

"You calmed him down, Tae. Also, if it wasn't for you, we couldn't have known," Yoongi-hyung nodded his head, agreeing to our manager's statement.

"I really think we should give him that break. He should go back to Korea," Yoongi-hyung said.

"He is opposed to that idea," Namjoon-hyung entered my room, meaning Jin-hyung was left with Jimin in his room. "He said he's scared of going back, especially if he's coming back alone. He feels safer with us —"

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