"Mom what is wrong with it! This is so stupid and dumb! I don't want to be married, not now and definitely not to abhi!" Radha said as she stomped her feet to the room

"You listen to me young lady, you will only be married to him! That's it, end of the nonsense! if you don't say yes, I will force you!" her father announced as Radha walked quicker to her room and locked it. 

" Dev, they're forcing me, i don't want this, do something, we have to do somethin!" Radha said as she paced in the room with her phone on the ear. 

"Radha we can't run away! Don't be silly! We have nothing! what will we do!? Where will we go!?" Dev had replied "Stall them for some more time! I'll complete my MBA in a year and then get a job and we'll be good to start a life together!" 

"Radha your father's had a heart attack! You must marry abhi now, for your father, please! he wont be able to survive if you say no!" 

"Radha, you are like my daughter, you always have been, there is no one better than you for Abhi, promise me you will always stand with him, always, stand by me." Sameer's voice echoed. 

"Swear on me that you will stay in this marriage always! there is no place for you out of this marriage! That is your home now, the minute you leave that marriage, think that your mother has died!" her mother's voice echoed. 

"I can't stay with you Dev, anymore, no matter what the circumstances, i can't ruin the sanctity of a marriage, i don't know Abhi, doesn't matter, i will learn, I will learn to love him and be a good wife"

A young Radha wearing vermillion, bangles and mangalsurta held papers in her hands as she screamed to her father "You sold me didn't you! Sameer uncle invested in your company! That's why all this drama happened, you were so adamant to get me married" 

"I planned all this for your birthday Abhi, where were you! the lights, the cake, the party!" Radha had said

"How many times do I tell you that i am not interested! Stop being my wife! You've ruined my life enough by marrying me!" Abhi had replied, screaming at the top of his voice and then shattering all the cutlery present there

Abhi appeared suddenly kissing another girl as Radha broke her bangles and cried. 

"Hey Radha? long time no see, how've you been!" Dev suddenly spoke in the halls of a lustrous 5 star hotel. 

"Dev, I love you, very much" she had said when he continued nibbling on her naked body and they had made love that night. 

The picture of the photo frame from Dev's bedside suddenly appeared. 

Radha woke up panting, she wiped sweat from her forehead as she tried to control her accelerated breathing. 

"Bhabhi, are you alright?" Aman said as he held a glass of water towards her. Radha placed a hand on her chest to calm her rapid breathing, before she took the glass of water in her hand. She gulped it in a go and turned to look at the clock. She smiled at Aman and whispered a thank you before changing into her jogging attire and leaving home for a run.

"Have you been crying?" Dev asked as he put his arm around Radha's waste and let her snuggle with him. She had come over in the middle of the week, very unusual since the both of them very particular about when they would meet each other, secrets could survive only if they conformed to certain rules. But Radha had sounded desperate on call and obviously Dev couldn't say anything. He knew that the news of his engagement had astounded her. He also knew how much in pain Radha would live in at her in-laws house, her mother-in-laws constant nagging and her husbands taunts. Radha hadn't spoken too much about it but Dev knew the outline of what went in her life. But they had promised to leave the baggage of their lives away when they were together. Today however Radha was specifically low. Dev slowly kissed her in the nape of her neck and tried to turn her towards himself.

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