8○ Parking Lot

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In a hot parking lot of a diner the four of us were standing, losing track of time within our ever changing conversation.

"Mate? What do you mean, mate?" Torrez asked, the confusion so bold in his voice.

"You're an alpha, Torrez, you're not supposed to be stupid," I said, peeking out from behind Landon.

"Are you a woman Veryan?" He asked. I always wondered how he managed to lead an entire pack, but now all his mistakes seemed to make sense.

"Some people are gay Torrez," Landon sighed.

He was gay?

"You're gay?" I asked. All this time I accepted the fact that the moon goddess played a trick and paired me with a straight, jackass of a man.

"I. I think. I do not know," he responded, visibly confuffled.

"How do you not know? Does your dick respond to other dicks or to vaginas?" Torrez said, chiming into the conversation.

"Or does it respond to both?" I asked popping out from behind him.

"What was your awakening experience like?" Xavier stroked his chin as if he were a therapist, which he in fact was.

Landon stuttered out some words before taking a breath.

"This is not an intermission to identify my preferences," he said firmly, pulling me into him as if I were an unfamiliar object piercing his side, "This is me saying that Veryan is my mate and if you try to hurt him, I will kill you. Understood?"

"So you really are mates? Two men? Does one of you get pregnant?" Torrez bombarded us with questions, suddenly foregoing his anger.

"We don't know how this works either," I confessed, trying to pry myself out of Landon's uncomfortable grip.

He refused to release me from his side, awkwardly pulling me in closer. I was hot and confused as to whether it was because of the scorching sun we were standing under or because of the years spent pent up and now being so close to the one who can give me a release.

"Answer my question both of you," Landon demanded finally playing the part of the most indomitable alpha in this parking lot of indomitable alphas.

"...Yes, I understand," Torrez said reluctantly, a snarl beginning to take shape on his face.


"Oh Landon, I wouldn't hurt a fly, especially not Veryan darling." Xavier's smirk widened as he winked at me.

Landon turned our bodies away from him, clearly making us both more uncomfortable.

"Okay Xavier, the multiple massacres that have your name written on it says different," I retorted.

"And you fucker, let me go. This is as uncomfortable as fucking satan's asshole. Trust me, I'd know." I escaped Landon's hold and shook off the empty feeling.

"Oh Veryan, what a smart mouth you have. I can see why my son's liked it," Xavier said as he got into his car, "It was nice seeing you boys. Let's do it again sometime."

With that he drove off at an alarming speed. If he manages to kill himself on the road it'll be one less problem for me.

Torrez walked up to me and rested his hand on my shoulder.

"Calm yourself, he's not gonna fuck me," I said to Landon as he shot glares at Torrez's hand on me.

"So you're going to stay with your mate?" Torrez asked, too softly. The faint worry in his voice instilled an odd feeling in me.

"Ew. Don't say it like that. And don't call him my mate. What da fuq is wrong with you?"

"I'm just worried about my brother." He squeezed my shoulder.

"That's gross, stop it. I'm too sober to handle this right now. And I know you're not worried about me, but I'll always be fine," I looked into his eyes. They were a shade of brown so dark the night envied it, "Go help your wife, or get more tattoos for your kid to colour."

He forced a laugh and squeezed my shoulder one more time, "I do care about you Veryan. You're part of my pack, even if you were unable to create a bond to us...But I am glad you're leaving. You're such a pain in my ass dude."

"Good riddance to you too bro." The finality of my tone created an empty well inside me.

"But you have to come visit Zuri and Nyah because they will worry and I can't let you make my family stressed. Also clean out your room soon, we'll make it into the baby's nursery."

He walked off, boots kicking up dust on the pavement and already walking like a dad of ten kids.

And with that Landon and I stood, in this now empty parking lot. Clouds engulfed the sun and the evening became cooler, blowing well needed breeze towards us.

"I guess I'll be staying with you, huh?...But don't get me wrong I'm not pleased with it..." I looked at him. His freckles were more prominent and his hair blew with the wind over his face. He had an untidy look for an alpha of such a powerful pack.

He cleared his throat, "I'm not pleased with it either..." he looked away from me, "But you have no choice."

I scoffed, "I do have a choice...I can wander the forests and hope a rogue pack picks me up or I can stay with your insufferable ass in your dirty house with your weird beta."

"First of all, Nicoletta is just a tad special. Second of all, my house is in good condition and third of all why don't you just go wander the forest?" He asked in such a matter of factly way.

"Fine you terrible fucking idiot." I began to walk away when he grabbed me and hauled me over his shoulder like the night he picked me off the forest floor.

"Ugh, put me down, Landon," I didn't bother to struggle, "You know, you're really...terribly terrible."

I heard something resembling a chuckle coming from him.

"And you're...stupidly stupid," he returned, carefully putting me in his truck making sure I touch nothing.

He looked at me one last time. Straight into my eyes with an emotion I wouldn't be capable of understanding until we were too deep into misery.

He shut the door and jumped in the driver's seat, stalling for a minute. I knew that he knew that this was uncharted territory. One neither him nor I knew how to navigate, and sooner or later we would both get lost and may end up losing each other in the process.

Just my luck to end up stuck with this son of not a bitch.

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