10. 2 Minutes to Midnight

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16 January, 1989

Marlene had never been more mad in her entire life.

Pelle tried, he tried, and tried, and tried. But he couldn't ever prevail over Oystein's stubbornness. No one ever could. 

Now, because of that man she loves so, so much, she was alone. Utterly alone. On her fucking birthday; the first birthday she'd ever been separated from her twin ever. And she hated it. By God, did she ever hate the feeling that came over her in the morning.

For some reason that was completely beyond Marlene, all four of them were gone. Oystein had gotten some stupid invitation in the mail from one of his pen pals to play a 3 day long festival that had started the Sunday night before her birthday. He accepted it, of course. Any amount of exposure for the band was exposure.

When Oystein told the others the dates, Pelle nearly stabbed him. Of course, he couldn't tell anyone that it was Marlene's birthday, because that would expose his own birthday. Pelle had a battle within himself; to shoot himself between the eyes or shoot his sister. Neither choice won in his head and his response was pure insanity. He yelled at Oystein, told him that it was the most important time of the year, said that there was no way in Hell he'd go.

But he went.

He was gone.

Which left Marlene, sitting on her couch, phone to her ear, stomach rumbling and sun setting. Ginger and her family had gone away to see family for the holidays and she wouldn't be back till Friday, work was only seasonal, school was on holidays. 

"All I'm saying is that you sound sad," William said gently, voice distorted by the telephone, but the kindness in his tone still shone through.

"I'm just bored," she defended.

Silence occupied the line for a second, before William spoke, "We can fix that."

"What do you wanna do?"

"I'll be over in ten."

The line went dead. Marlene was left at a blank, but with a hint of excitement in her stomach. Thank Christ she'd be able to get the fuck out of that stuffy flat she'd been inside all day. She didn't even care if Oystein would be pissed off that she'd be going out with William. He was the one who ditched her. Fuck him.

She was given ten minutes to pick her outfit. It wasn't the best outfit in the world, but it was warm and versatile. Whatever William wanted to do, Marlene was game for and ready for. 

In the promised ten minutes, William rapped on her door. He was just as gorgeous now, when she opened the door, as he was on New Years. His hair was tousled from the breeze, but the deep almond brown absorbed the light around, giving him a warm aura. William was wearing a double breasted coat and slacks, which made him look very posh, but in the most attractive way possible. 

"You look beautiful," he said in a quiet tone. Marlene smiled curtly and closed the door behind her, locking it, then leaving with the tall Swed. 

"I don't much feel it tonight, but thank you," she told him as the descended the stairs to the ground floor. 

William couldn't help the scoff that came up, "You're one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen in my life."

"Thank you," Marlene squeaked. Oystein never greeted her with that.

They got into William's car while still more or less on small talk. William drove a beautiful Datsun 28OZ that purred when it started. It was a bright orange colour and a sleek finish, with the most comfortable leather seats Marlene had ever sat on. William pulled out of her complex and began driving.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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