8. Seven Headed Whore

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18 November, 1988

When Pelle had invited Marlene to a rehearsal, she was expecting it to be just her invited. Maybe some amount of producer or manager. But she was certainly not expecting to see two other slutted-out whores there. She was so enraged when one of them claimed to be Pelle's new girlfriend then was incredibly rude toward a photographer who tried to introduce himself to her. 

One whore belonged to Jorn, which didn't surprise Marlene in the least. Jorn seemed loyal enough in all the months Marlene had known him, but he also seemed to be into that kind of stuff. And the beautiful Jan Axel was too beautiful to limit himself to one chick at a time, so he didn't bother to bring his whores to rehearsal. 

Either way, the one whore, Eva, she was fine. She was okay. Stupid, but sweet. 

But the other one. Marlene was ready to wring her skinny fucking neck. Tina. She even had an annoying fucking name. Who's ever met someone named Tina who isn't a complete fucking bitch? And for her brother, her twin, to be dating something like that? It made Marlene nauseous. 

And she'd have fucking told Pelle if he'd even bothered to show up to the rehearsal he invited Marlene to.

She refused to be in the same room as Tina while Pelle was still missing. Marlene sat with Jan, Jorn and his squeeze, and Oystein in the kitchen. Jon, the photographer, felt bad for Tina so he waited outside for Pelle with her. 

"Lena, would you fucking relax?" Jan pleaded. Marlene turned her gaze from burning a hole through that stupid bitch's dyed blonde, crimped hair. She turned it straight to Jan, who then got a scared look on his face. Marlene was already white-knuckle gripping her beer bottle. Her leg bounced at mach speed. 

"You wanna fucking tell me to relax right now, Jan Axel? Look straight into my eyes and tell me again?" Jan was silent. Marlene took a sip of her beer. "First, the stupid prick doesn't show up on time to something he invited me to. Then, he has the gull, the audacity, the fucking balls to invite his girlfriend that he didn't fucking tell me about! Yes, please, leave me with her and her black lipstick and mini-skirt and such a cropped shirt! That's everything I fucking want!"

"What wrong with black lipstick?" Eva asked indignantly. 

Marlene snapped out of her rage for a second to sweetly smile at the girl across the table from her. She put her hand over Eva's kindly. "Nothing, it looks amazing on you, Sweetheart, don't worry. Everything you do, I love." Eva began to blush and Jorn gave Marlene a look that screamed 'what the fuck, Dude, she's my girl'. Marlene slumped back in her chair, no longer holding Eva's hand. "But on her, it looks gross. She looks like a try-hard."

"Baby, I thought you'd be glad that Dead's finally getting some action," Oystein purred, putting his hand on Marlene's thigh. 

Marlene growled, "He could've warned me." Then she looked at Oystein. "And another thing!" He sighed. "He gets all pissy about you and I, but if he gets a girlfriend, that's just fine and dandy. But fuck Marlene, right? She's not allowed to be happy. 'Oh, Marlene, go to school! Go to church! You're touching a boy without The Lord in mind? Shame on you! Go to Reconciliation!' Well fuck that. Fuck him."

"Oystein, if you ever break up with her, I'm next in line," Jan announced. Oystein shot a look at his friend while Marlene laughed madly. She downed the last of her beer. 

"Please, you wouldn't know what to do with all this if you got it, Drummer," Marlene scoffed, returning to glaring at Tina. God, even the name got Marlene's stomach in a twist. She was upset. Mainly because Pelle just left them all to do their own introductions, and because he didn't even tell her about this bitch. 

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