Episode 2

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You and Josh are hanging out in your bedroom. Weeks have passed since the possession incident. You are playing your guitar, Josh is watching Oprah.
"Oh No! You will Not ruin this for me!" He yells at the T.V
Your mom walks in. "Hey guys, I have some good news, and some bad news."

> Drake says "What news, mom?"
"Well, the good news is, your aunt Jen is coming to visit in a few days."
"Yay!" You and josh cheer. Aunt Jen is the coolest adult relative you know.

> Josh says "AUNT JEN'S COMIN'!"
Your mom then tells you that there is more bad news.
"Your dad..."
You freeze. You start to feel really dizzy, and fall to the floor.

> Drake says "What happened to Dad?"
"He... He died."
You and Josh sit there in shock. It takes you a few minutes to realize what has happened. You then hear the ambulance sirens blaring outside.

> Josh sits open mouthed.
"(Crying) Dad! Dad!" You shout, then the EMT's come in.
"We need to take him to the hospital, now!" One of them says.

> Drake says "What happened to Dad? HOW DID HE DIE?"
You go into the ambulance and your mom follows in her car. After a long ride, you arrive at the hospital. You go in and see your mom talking to the doctor.
"(Sob) How?" You ask him.
"It appears that he had a heart attack in the shower."

> Josh begins snivelling.
You feel even worse. You stay in the waiting room for hours, but there is nothing that can be done. You then hear your mom calling you.
"Drake, honey! We need to go!"

> Drake says "This doesn't seem right. Dad was healthy, he wouldn't have a heart attack. This is suspicious. We should go investigate the bathroom, Josh."
You and your brother go to the bathroom.
"You look at the bath tub, I'll look behind the curtains." You say.
"(Sob) Dad..." Your brother cries. You then see a note taped to the curtain.

> Josh says "Dad was my only friend growing up. He was the only member of our family who's been with me my whole life."
"Let's read the note."
The note reads: "If you're reading this, then my plans have been ruined. You saw the bodies. Investigate, or my attacker will strike again."

> Drake says "Dad was MURDERED! I KNEW IT! And there's no way a normal human could have caused a heart attack and then escaped, remember, the bathroom door was locked, the paramedics had to break it down. The attacker was...a demon."
You call the police and tell them about the note. You then go to a hotel with your mom and brother. You are afraid to sleep, for you fear the demon will come kill you.
You dream that night.

> Josh talks to Drake as they lie in the room. "Why do you assume a demon did it? Someone could have injected something into his bloodstream. And why did the note mention more than one body?"
"Cuz that's what happened. And you need to find this person before they kill us all." Drake replies. "Just like I saved you from those ghosties, I can save us from a demon."

> Drake says "THINK JOSH, THINK! We were attacked by demons just a few weeks ago and now our dad just HAPPENS to die?"
"(Sob) I miss Dad."
"We need to tell the police something."
The next morning, you call the police. They come, and are skeptical of your claims.

> Josh says "What did they say? Did the police believe you when you told them our father died from a satanic heart attack?"
"The police didn't buy it, but they didn't arrest us, or send us away either. They did say they would send someone else up here, an expert on satanic ritual killings."
The expert arrives. His name is Stefan. He is an older gentlemen who wears an all black suit.
"Hello. I am here to determine whether or not there is a connection between the murders in the city and your father's death, as well as if you two are connected to any of it."

> Josh says "Murders? As in the plural form?"
"Yes. I believe your father was killed in a satanic ritual."
"That's impossible! My dad was a kind man, he didn't even believe in ghosts!"
"There have been demonic killings over the city for the past 3 weeks or so. I have been quietly investigating the murders, the description of your father's death matches the others. All of the victims have been healthy and alone, when suddenly they die of an unexplained heart attack." Stefan says.
"Dad just died of a heart attack!" You say.
"If you two are innocent, then you have nothing to worry about. I'll be watching you though."

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