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im a shadow, okay
Why are you staring at me

light bulb
because class is boring
and i don't care about where magic originated from

im a shadow, okay
Then why are you taking a history class

light bulb
idk just so i can see if i wanna become a historian i guess

im a shadow, okay
I highly doubt you do.

light bulb
your right
i wanna do something fun
like travel or party

im a shadow, okay
Then drop out of this class

Take something else.

light bulb
i would, but i don't wanna disappoint my family
they want me to become one of the 3: lawyer, historian, or doctor

im a shadow, okay
But they aren't you. They aren't Sting.
You know you can choose other things, right?

light bulb
like what? a burger king employee?

im a shadow, okay
If you actually work on your grammar and spelling, you could teach people English in other countries

light bulb
that actually makes me interested
but what classes would i have to take?

im a shadow, okay
Get a teaching degree, and get your TEFL

light bulb
no idea what that is, but i think i wanna do that

im a shadow, okay
Well, don't rush your decision, you still got some time. It's only your first year, after all.

light bulb
yeah, but i actually think i wanna do that
but ill look into tonite

im a shadow, okay
Who the actual fuck says tonight like that

light bulb
i do, now shut up and work so i can stare at you

im a shadow, okay
Can't you text Lisanna? You know, YOUR GIRLFRIEND!

light bulb
no need to shout my guy
but lisaie doesn't like it when i text her in class

im a shadow, okay
Lisaie? That's her nickname? Were you high when you came up with that shit?

light bulb
as a matter of fact, i was
it was the first time i did pot

im a shadow, okay
Didn't think you were to weed kinda guy. I guess we are similar in a way.
Anyhow, I'm actually going to do my work.

light bulb

Seen at 12:37 PM.

Paw Patrol

local shipping demon
in honor of pride month, we must talk about our ships

Tinker Bell
Elfman x Me

Key Master
I don't even got any 😔✋

laxus x my home boy freed

that's gay | stingue textfic (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now