𝟭. 𝘂𝗻𝗺𝗮𝘀𝗸𝗲𝗱

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i. unmasked


What is left of her house resides in the forest. A forest that was once her backyard, and she would run around that yard, either being chased by her two older brothers or playing make-believe. From the moment she had finished her lessons and her mother tied her hair up in a silk ribbon, until the moment, the pinkish, orange sun was setting, Amelia was always on a new adventure. Some days, the bright, yellow rays would shine without a cloud in the sky. A gentle breeze was enough to make it comfortable. Because of the rain, the day prior the grass would be greener than ever. Sometimes as she and her brothers would run around the yard, playing tag or hide n' seek, their brown and white, St. Bernard, mostly known as Fido, would eagerly chase after the young siblings, his wet tongue hanging out of his mouth as he ran. In New York and Chicago, the population was much too crowded to enjoy pleasures like those she had in eighteen hundred's Virginia.

Her backyard was now gone. Amelia remembered standing in a heavily wooded forest, looking at the ruins that she once called her home, the place she lived, the place she grew up, and the place died. Though, no matter the time that passed or how demolished her home became, Veritas Estate would always be her home in her heart. No matter the number of years she lived, Veritas Estate would hold some of the best moments and memories that Amelia would forever cherish.

"Can I help you, Miss?"

Amelia looked up to the woman standing behind a dark, wooden desk. It was clean and had a small potted, pink petal flower sitting on it. The woman was older. Her silver hair was tucked behind her hair as it fell in loose curls, and the wrinkles around her lips became more prominent when she smiled. She wore a nametag pinned to her wrinkle-free button shirt.


After her short-lived visit near her childhood running grounds, Amelia decided that she'd need a place to stay for the night, not wishing to sleep in the back of her car. She hadn't driven with a location in mind but ended up outside of a large home she'd once knew well. A home that had now been renovated into a bed and breakfast.

"Could I get a room for the night?" Amelia asked, a sweet smile on her lips.

Her eyes shone with innocence as she batted her long, dark eyelashes. Amelia with her unscathed exterior was able to easily charm her way through situations without using her power of compulsion. She still hated doing that to unsuspecting people.

"You're a bit young to be out and about all by your lonesome," observed Carrie, glancing at the seemingly young girl standing behind the large, oak counter.

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