VMMN Part 2: Act 1

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Synopsis: After solving the mystery of the cabbage man and the missing Blueberry, all seems to be calm for our heroes. However, when a familiar thief escapes and takes something precious from them, they find themselves solving yet another mystery. With the detective gone and some alarmingly easy clues, will they stop the thief in time? Or is there something more sinister planned?


ACT I: Here We Go Again

The aasimar opened his eyes as the bright, morning sunlight flooded his room in the Rusty Dragon. He could have sworn he closed the curtains, but perhaps he had forgotten to do so. Yesterday was pretty tiring after all, and the monk immediately fell asleep the moment he jumped into bed.

Rolling over on his side, he let out a yawn. "Good morning Blueberry, did you sleep well?" Avack mumbled, rubbing an eye as he patted the bed, only to find the spot next to him empty. "...Blueberry? BLUEBERRY?!"

This was familiar, too familiar. The same panic arose within him from when this last happened, but he quickly took a deep, calming breath. Blueberry was probably with Soleil, just like on Christmas morning when he thought the wyvern was kidnapped, or worse...

Jumping out of bed, he quickly got ready and darted out the door. Within seconds, he was in front of Soleil's door and rapidly knocking. "Soleil? SOLEIL? ARE YOU IN THERE? THERE IS AN-"

Before he could finish his sentence, the door opened to reveal the female monk herself - with no Blueberry following behind her. It looked like she had just woken up too as she tried to stifle a yawn. "Good morning Avack, is everything ok?" She asked, noticing the worried expression on his face.

Trying to peek over her shoulder to see if Blueberry was hiding in there, he sighed before asking, "Have you seen Blueberry?"

Soleil shook her head. "Nope, I thought he was sleeping with you."

Avack's shoulders slumped in defeat. This was not the response he was hoping for.

"Why do you ask? You didn't look too happy with my answer," the female monk pointed out.

"Blueberry is missing!"

"What?" Soleil gasped, her hand covering mouth. "What do you mean he's missing?"

"I woke up and he wasn't in my room! Are you sure he's not hiding in your room?"

"I promise, he's not hiding in my room like last time. But... maybe he's hiding somewhere else? He could be playing hide and seek."

"Maybe... but we have to find him! What if he was kidnapped?"

Soleil pursed her lips in deep thought before suggesting, "Why don't we search for clues? Blueberry was with you last time, right? Have you checked your room yet?"

"No, right when I found out Blueberry was missing, I went straight to you."

"Then maybe he's just hiding in your room?"

"Hmm you might be right! Come on, let's try to find some clues!" With this newfound hope, he grabbed Soleil's hand and led her to his room, much to the latter's surprise.

When they returned to Avack's room, Avack let go of her hand and began searching under the bed. "Blueberry? Are you under here?"

Following his lead, Soleil went to the other side of the bed before yelping in surprise. "Avack! Look at this!"

Standing up, the aasimar leaped over to the other side of the bed. "What is it Soleil?"

"I don't think Blueberry is playing hide and seek," she whispered, pointing to the window.

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