Flashback/Dreams ends

I slowly opened my eyes to blinding lights; prompting me to close them again to avoid the burn. My chest ached from the pain of the dream I had, which was more of a memory, my favorite memory. I tried to move, but my body was weak, like it was completely drained of any energy.

Then my mind played the final events that took place and I shot my eyes open again, ignoring the pain of the lights, "(y/n)-" I spoke in a strained voice while eyeing the unfamiliar room.

Where am I and how did I get here?

I thought I.. I thought I died. Wait, did I die?

It tried sitting up, only to be met with excruciating pain. I groaned loudly before weakly dropping my body back down to the metal table.

Nope, I'm definitely alive if I'm feeling pain as horrible as this.

I finally looked down and saw that I was shirtless, minus the thick white bandage that was covering the area where I remember being stabbed; and where the pain I was currently feeling came from.

"Careful you must be Skywalker, still injured you are, almost died you did."

I turned my head to be met with a pair of familiar, yet sad eyes, "You found me?" I asked and he nodded in response, "How?"

"To Sidious, I lost." He spoke in a heart broken tone as he looked away from me with guilt in his eyes, "Then, to find you I went. Nearly dead you were, so, brought you to Mandalore I did. After healing you the best I could."

"Thank you," I whispered in relief, "And Artoo?" I asked about my poor droid that I left alone on the ship, I prayed Palpatine or Sidious, whatever his name is now, didn't find him or do anything to him.

He nodded while slowly looking back up to me, "With Ahsoka he is." He gave me a small reassuring smile.

I sighed with relief once more, knowing that both of them were currently safe. But my heart still broke at the thought of the one person I really wanted, and the reality that she wasn't here with me..

Sidious took her away from me, I really lost the love of my life, "I'm so sorry Master Yoda, I tried. I really tired, but I failed; and he won." Tears prickled in my eyes, my heart feeling heavy with the sting of my failure, "I laid there helpless while I had to watch him take her." I balled my fists tightly and the room began to shake.

Yoda gave me a look telling me to control myself. So I took a few deep breaths to compose myself, and the shaking slowly began to cease, before completely stopping.

He shook his head; water forming in his own eyes as he did his best to not have his own break down, "Failed, you did not." He sighed as his ears dropped down miserably, "I know, the best you could, you did."

I whimpered, the pain in my chest was nearly unbearable, "He said-" I tried speaking, but I choked on a sob; earning me a sympathetic gaze from him, "He said she was his daughter. Is that true?"

His expression changed into one of deep anger, which wasn't an emotion I was used to seeing on him. Especially this aggressively, "Tell you that he did?"

I nodded, "Right before he tried to kill me."

His gaze dropped to the floor while his mind drifted away into thought, "Her father, he is not." The words came out in a growl, "Know who her true father is, I do." He glanced back up to me.

My glossy eyes widened in surprise, "You do; who?" I asked with urgency.

"Master Qui-Gon," I got the shocking answer, but it wasn't from who I expected.

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