Chapter 15

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Josie's dreams were mostly forgettable except for a single, blood-curdling scream. It was vivid enough to wake her, but ethereal enough to not keep her from falling back asleep almost instantly.

Morning came quickly thereafter, obvious from the light struggling to break through the heavy drapery. Throwing off the warm covers, Josie slipped her bare feet onto the colorful, wool carpet and tiptoed to the windows. After freeing the panes of their obstacles, she was momentarily blinded by the sunshine and almost knocked over a tray with breakfast on a side table.

Josie rubbed her eyes, allowing them to adjust to the brightness, but the scene in front of her did not change. Someone had been in the room while she slept. She cringed at the thought of the old butler sneaking around without her knowing.

She took a deep breath, eyeing the fresh glass of milk. Perhaps it wasn't Wesley. A place this big had to have more than one servant. Surely a chambermaid or the cook herself delivered the food.

But why go to the trouble?

Josie gasped and ran toward the door, her heart beating feverishly. Did they lock her in again?

No, the handle turned easily.

Her breathing slowly normalized. Maybe she'd just overslept and missed the formal breakfast again. After a night like the previous one, Donatella must have known she'd need more rest.

Stretching her limbs to fully awaken, Josie pulled a chair up to the table. It was the same meal as the day before, but she didn't mind repetition. Especially when it was so delicious.

After spreading jam on the crunchy bread, she took a bite. It was still warm. How did they manage to make it taste like it had just come out from under the toasting iron?

She didn't ponder it any further. The wardrobe's door - definitely locked previously - was now slightly ajar. Throwing the rest of the toast back onto the plate, Josie got up to investigate.

She found a complete attire of fashionable women's clothes hung neatly within. Pulling out a tailored pink frock, she held it against her thin frame.

It was just her size!

After changing into the new dress - Donatella surely wouldn't mind - Josie brushed her hair and tied back the sides with a matching pink bow. She could definitely get used to wearing a new outfit every day.

Quickly finishing her breakfast, she left her room and ran down the grand staircase, pausing long enough to sidestep the fourth rung from the bottom. When she looked back at the always-troublesome spot, sure enough, the same white cat as before was there, casually grooming himself.

Josie smiled. She may not have understood the strange phenomenon, but at least she was figuring out how to live with it.

The foyer was quiet, which wasn't that unusual. After she'd searched all of the ground floor rooms - from the parlor and dining room to the kitchen and conservatory - and still hadn't seen a single soul, Josie finally became suspicious.

Where could they be?

The Mollicks probably didn't live in the manor, and most likely, neither did Mister Hyde. Donatella could have been holed-up in her top-level suite of rooms, but where were the other guests? Were Morrigan and Eliza accompanying the still-frail Margie on a stroll in the garden? And how about the staff? Wesley always made himself scarce, but he usually emerged when he was needed.

Finding herself back in the foyer, Josie stared at the large, wooden door. This was her chance. She could slip outside, scale the fence, and head down the dirt road toward the nearest town. From there, she could send word to Mother and Father to get her.

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