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Intak returns to school the next day, wondering why everyone seemed to gloomy and down.

"Jiung hyung? What's going on? It looks like everyone's mourning in here." He asks the older after finally catching up to him.

"Intak... Mr. Seunghyub died the other day."

The younger was frozen in shock, sort of feeling like a dick for what he said earlier.

"Holy shit... How?"

"Some people say he was in a car crash, some people say his throat was slit open. But there's no way his death was an accident." Jiung says as he looked down at the ground.

"That... I hope whoever killed him fucking rots." Intak cursed out under his breath.

The older doesn't respond. They had free time for their first period today, so they decided to walk around the school campus.

"Hey, have you seen Jongseob by any chance?" Jiung questions as they situate themselves under a tree in front of the school.

"No, why?"

"No one has seen him. I'm getting worried about where he might be..." The older leans his head back on the tree trunk.

"Maybe he ran away again?" Intak copies the others action.

"That can't be. He would've told us like last time." The two stay quiet, still in thought.

The silence was broken when an apple fell Intak's head. Well, not fell, but rather hit.

He catches the fruit and they both look up at who threw it.

"Hey, Intak! Where have you been?" Sunghoon approaches the younger and sits beside him. He was accompanied by Jake who gave a wave and sat next to the taller.

"Sunghoon hyung, Jake hyung! I went to Jeju with my aunt, actually." He replied, taking a bite from the apple.

"Oh, was it fun? Because you're definitely not gonna have fun when you find out about the four assignments for next week." Jake says, teasing the other.

"Shit, I forgot about that." Intak slumped on the grass and groans in annoyance.

"Pfft. I can help you with it, don't worry." Jiung laughs and pats the others back.

"I owe you everything." The younger says dramatically, making the three laugh at his antics.

The bell rings and the four of them seperate to go to their classes.

"Hyung? What happened there?" Intak asks after they walk pass the old dance room. Nothing was different except the multiple barricades on the front door that were nailed by multiple metal screws.

"There was a fire the other day. No one knows how it set on fire, but I found Seob's earring in there." Jiung took out the accessory from his pocket and showed it to the other.

"Why would he be in the old dance room?"

"I'm not sure..."

They enter their history classroom and sat down next to each other at the back before their teacher could come in.


Class ended and the two of them left the classroom. The halls were full of students moving to their next class, so any other sounds were muffled by the loud chattering of the students.

But when they pass by the dance room once again while walking to their next class,

Intak swore he heard something fall on the floor.

𝙋𝙇𝘼𝙔𝙇𝘼𝙉𝘿 // 𝘱1𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘺Where stories live. Discover now