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"Are you sure? This room hasn't been touched in ages." Mr. Seunghyub leans down next to him to look at the accessory in his hand.

"It has to be his! It even has his intials." Jiung ran his fingers on the letters written on the earring that spelt out "K.J.S".

"He couldn't have snuck in, though. Not only are there cameras, but the school guard is always here after school ends." Mr. Inseong explained.

"But it definitely is!"

"Where is he now anyways? I didn't see him at school nor was he at my class today."

"I don't know, Mr. Seunghyub. He just vanished and not even his parents know where he is..." Jiung stands up and the teacher next to him follows.

"Should we initiate a search party for him if he doesn't come by next week?" Mr. Inseong recommends.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. For now, you should go home, Jiung. I'll bring you to the gate."

"Huh? But I can do it myself?" The younger insisted but Mr. Seunghyub was already escorting him to the school entrance.

When they arrived, the teacher put a hand on his shoulder and looked around before whispering to Jiung.

"Okay, don't think of me as a weird pervert or anything, but when you go home, take off all your clothes and burn them." He whispered with a stern face.

"What? But why?" The dancer backed away, thinking that the other was either drunk or out of his mind.

"When I looked at the mirror... You had no head." Mr. Seunghyub scratched the back of his head.

"Oh? Oh. Ohhh! I get it. I'll do it then, see you tomorrow Mr. Seunghyub!" Jiung hurriedly waves at the teacher and runs home.

When he came home, he quickly greeted his older brother before running up to his room and hurriey changing clothes.

"Why are you in such a rush?!" He asks, looking up from his phone.

Jiung doesn't respond. Instead, he made his way to the large backyard and lit up a fire to throw his old clothes in.

"What the- Jiung!" His brother exclaimed when he saw what was happening.

"Hyung, just trust me." He reassures and waited until the clothes turned into ash to extinguish the fire.

After it completely burned, he put out the fire and turns to his panicking brother.

"Let me explain-"


"Choi Jiung, what the fuck."

"Kihyun hyung, wait-"

"So first, you sneak into your very, obviously, crystal clear, oh-so-evident haunted dance room with your friends, and play a FUCKING ritual for shits and giggles and meet an actual GHOST, then your suddenly being stalked by girls everywhere you go, then your friend goes missing and no one can find him, and now you're being haunted by some headless spirit?!"

"Uh, yeah... Pretty much..." Jiung responds, too scared to look into the older's eyes.

"Jiung, I swear I'm gonna fucking- mom leaves for three months, and suddenly you're- ugh." Kihyun sighs, annoyed.

The younger only stays quiet. It's been years since he saw his older brother get so stressed like this.

"Listen, I'm not mad. Genuinely. But you need to stop being an idiot. You could die at any moment, and then I wouldn't have anyone to bully." Jiung laughs slightly at the last statement, but still couldn't look the other in the eyes.

"Jiung, just be careful, okay? You-"

Kihyun sits down on the couch next to the younger, accidentally sitting on the remote and changing the channel on the TV.

"Oh shit-" He curses and aims the remote to change the channel until Jiung makes him put the remote down.

"This just in, head teacher of XXXX High School going by the name of Lee Seunghyub, was found dead in his car. The cause of his death was possibly a car crash, but after more investigation, police have found that his throat was slit open. They are still looking for the killer-"

The older of the two quickly closes the TV and they look at each other with wide eyes.

"Isn't that the teacher you mentioned?"

Jiung doesn't respond. He only nods quietly.

"Yeah, the one who told me about my head."

𝙋𝙇𝘼𝙔𝙇𝘼𝙉𝘿 // 𝘱1𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘺Where stories live. Discover now