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Jiung pulled at his hair in frustration. Jongseob wasn't picking up his phone, and when he finally did, it was his mother's voice on the line.

The dancer had asked whether Jongseob was home but she said no, thinking that he was with him and Intak.

"Goddamit." Jiung cursed under his breath exited the bathroom. He walked through the student filled hallways and made his way to his locker.

As he took out some textbooks, the dancer feels a presence behind him and quickly turns around, ready to attack whoever was behind him.

"Woah! It's just me."

"Jeez, Heeseung. You're gonna give me a heart attack one day." Jiung shook his head and turned back to his locker with a noticeable scowl on his face.

Lee Heeseung, one of Jiung's classmates. He had gotten close with Jiung because of how many classes they shared.

"Sorry, sorry. What's got you so upset?" Heeseung asked, leaning on the locker next to him.

"It's like Jongseob disappeared. He hasn't answered my calls and no one has seen him." The shorter said in worry.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Do you want any help finding him? The other boys and I could help you." Heeseung offered. Jiung thought for a while before accepting the offer.

"Alright. We could search for him by next week if he doesn't come back. Also, do you have any plans today? I was wondering if we could visit that new record shop downtown."

"Wish I could, but I've got plans with Sunghoon after school!" The taller exclaimed excitedly.

"Plans? What plans?" Jiung closed up his locker and slung his backpack over his shoulder.

"We heard of this thing called red rooms from Jake and we wanted to check it out!"

"Heeseung, you know that's dangerous, right..?" He said worriedly. Red rooms was an urban legend about a virus where it could potentially lead to ones death, or in this case, two.

"It's not like it's real, anyways. We'll be alright, no worries." The taller brushed off the warning.

"You two have a death wish or something? Don't be an idiot." Jiung hit his shoulder, making Heeseung over dramatically flinch.

"Alright, alright. We won't do it then." Heeseung said but Jiung knew he was brushing it off.

"If you die, I'm not paying for your funeral, asshole." He rolls his eyes and crossed his arms.

"You're so mean." The older sarcastically frowns before walking away. At first, Jiung thought he accidentally upset the other until he felt a piece of paper fall off his shoulder.

He picks it up from the floor and read it.

"call me when we'll search for jongseob ! i'll bring the others with me too :)"

Jiung sighs in relief and places the paper in his locker before walking to class.

As he passed by the locked up dance room, he hears the crackling noise coming from the door.

Slowly, he looks through the window and sees that the inside is on fire.

"Fuck!" Jiung curses and runs to the faculty room, quickly knocking on the door before it opened.

"Choi Jiung? What's going on?" Mr. Seunghyub opens the door to see the panicking student in front of him.

"The old dance club room is on fire!"

He leads Mr. Seunghyub and Mr. Inseong to the dance room while the other teachers notified the school to evacuate.

The room was indeed on fire. Mr. Inseong took out a key while the other teacher smashed the glass and took the fire extinguisher from it's case.

After extinguishing the fire and letting the smoke out, they ask Jiung to go home.

"Okay- wait... What's that on the ground?" He pointed to a familiar shining object and ran over to it despite the bits of smoke in the room.

He picked it up and inspected it.

"No way..."

"What is it?" Mr. Inseong asks and slowly approached the student.

"It's Kim Jongseob's earring."

(a/n: i hate looking for the gifs so much lmao some of them genuinely scare me)

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