"What happened?" Ron and Hermione both whispered.

"Later." he promised, but in reality he didn't know if he wanted to tell them about the whole thing. The way Malfoy had seemed so scared and helpless, the way he had felt in Harry's arms, how he hadn't wanted to let him go. It seemed like a dream, far away from the choir room that was filled with other people and where it wasn't acceptable for Harry to even touch Malfoy.

Not that he was exactly hugging him before per se. No, it was more like he was holding him together and comforting him. Making him feel safe.

"Now, when we're all set and ready, let's begin with the usual song." Flitwick woke Harry up from his thoughts and he pulled out his scroll because he, everybody else, didn't know any of the songs by heart.

"Professor," he heard Malfoy's voice say, and he snapped his head around to look at the blond who had his eyes on their professor. "Could we sing another song to begin with instead? I - " he broke off as if his reason for the request was foolish. "I need it." he finally said.

Beside Harry, Ron looked like he was about to break out in laughter so Harry stamped on his foot, hard. He didn't want Ron to laugh at Malfoy, not now after what he had just been through, and Ron hissed in pain.

"What the fuck, Harry?" he whispered.

Harry gave him a dark look before turning to Flitwick, to see what he was going to say.

"Of course, Mr Malfoy, what song?" the professor said and Harry let out a breath that he hadn't realized that he had been holding. Malfoy looked shocked that Flitwick had agreed without argument, but he snapped out of it a second later and looked through his scroll.

"Seventh song."

"But we haven't sung that song yet!" Hermione interrupted, scowling at her parchment, and several heads around the room nodded in agreement.

"Then don't sing." Malfoy suggested with a sneer, and with an approving nod from Flitwick, Malfoy began to sing.

Det strålar en stjärna förunderligt blid,

i öster på himlen hon står.

Hon lyst över världen i oro och strid

i nära två tusende år.

Och när dagen blir mörk, och när snön faller vit,

då strider hon närmre, då kommer hon hit.

Och där ljuset är, där är det jul.

Harry faintly wondered if Malfoy had sung this before and at least knew the words, or if he had just picked it upand opened his mouth like he did the first time Harry had ever heard him sing.

Suddenly he found himself, and everyone around him, humming with Malfoy's voice, following his melody like he was showing everyone the way and they were all following without questioning it.

By the end of the song, people were looking down at their scrolls trying to pronounce the words. Everybody was singing along, and everybody was looking at the words expect Harry. Harry was staring at Malfoy. He was watching the way Draco kept his gaze focused on the distance, how he held his head high, how sure of himself he looked and how Harry had the urgent desire to touch him.

Är ljus! Allas ögon de strålar som bäst,

och stjärnorna tindrar som mest,

och där ljuset är, där är jul, där är jul.

It was only Flitwick's applause that made Harry realize they had all stopped singing and he looked quickly away from Malfoy.

"Magnificent, absolutely magnificent!" Flitwick praised. "You were all outstanding!" At that, most students blushed as if they had actually sang alone. "An absolutely fantastic proposition on your, Mr Malfoy. Just see how he was able to lead you all into singing, even if you didn't know the song or without even realizing that you were singing! If we continue like this, we have the ceremony in the bag." Flitwick was truly delighted, and Harry guessed that he was planning on making Malfoy a permanent member of his choir after this was all over.

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