28 // Sweet In My Memory

Start from the beginning

Besides, I am far from girlfriend material, and the most he can expect from me is a good fuck. Somehow, I feel like it would clash with Harry's outlook on relationships. I mean, have you seen this guy? He exudes boyfriend energy. There is no doubt in my mind that Harry is a good man, one that deserves an equally put-together partner... not some girl who's still in the process of climbing out of a deep hole otherwise known as her "messy life". 

As I contemplate all this, Harry takes a seat in front of me before presenting me with a book with a familiar font on the cover. Our knees brush against each other, sending a pleasurable tingle through my nervous system. Such an innocent touch shouldn't be affecting me so strongly, and yet it does—every time.

"I thought we could finally start this today," he suggests, "if you're done with five, that is?"

"I am," I confirm with a curt nod. "It was quite...something."

At that, he faces me with a furrowed brow. "You didn't enjoy it?"

"I just think it was widely unrealistic, H. The author barely knew the man and yet decided to marry him on a whim? After he had betrayed her in volume three, no less!" I shake my head in disbelief. "Feels to me like she intentionally dramatised the events to make the story more interesting than it actually was."

"We don't know whether that man and the lover from the previous volumes are one and the same," Harry reasons.

"But we do! The similarities in her writing, the way she describes him… H, it's gotta be the same person. He broke her heart and then came back like nothing had happened, acting as though he could be the one to mend her back together– I don't like it." 

Harry chuckles curtly, regarding me with an amused half-grin. "You're not a big believer in second chances, are you?" 

I let out a snort. "People never change. He hurt her once, and he'll keep doing it until there's nothing left for her to pick up."

"That was grim."

"But accurate," I snipe back.

"And yet, you're a living contradiction of what you just said. A girl who hit rock bottom, but still managed to get her shit together to become a better version of herself. We could get rid of some of that sass, I reckon, but–" he shrugs when I playfully stick my tongue out at him, "if there's anyone who's proved that people can change, it's you."

"Trying isn't the same as actually changing," I remind him.

"Here's where I have to disagree with you. It's the effort that counts, especially when said effort is paying off."

The brooding silence is all he gets in response.

Vaguely aware of my stinging eyes and the pressure of the tears threatening to spill, I weakly gesture to the book still in his hands. "So, are we reading this or not?"

That effectively forces Harry to peel his gaze away from my lips. "Right," he coughs slightly. "I have my own copy, so this one is just for you."

"Thanks," I reach out to take it from him only to have it abruptly snatched away from me. A bit thrown off, I pull my hand back. "What are you doing?"

"I wrote a dedication for you in there," his eyes lock on mine intensely as he speaks.

"Okay," I smile at his dorkiness, "show me."

My words seem to have an opposite effect than desired, causing him to once again pull the book away from my grasp.

"Harry…" I tease him through my whine, "You're the one who wanted me to have it. You can't tease me like that only to end up hiding it from me."

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