Chapter 18: Loose Ends

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*If you listen to the music I add please play the one for this chapter at the first —-*

"Well, now that your stupid little human is out of the way the adults can talk."

I stayed silent.

There was nothing to say to scum like him.

He killed Cade and in return I would kill him.

When I was finished with him there would be no soul left to torture.

The air crackled around me as I stepped forward.

Cade's lifeless corpse flashed across my mind.

Semis was speaking but the only thing I could here was ringing in my ears.

His words meant nothing.

He meant nothing.

I lifted my hand in his direction and his shot up to match mine. I snarled, my magic jumping out of my hand in a chaotic zig zagging motion.

It's black lightning like shape crackled and hissed as it moved, causing the air around it to fill with electricity. 

Semis shot his own but when it collided with mine my magic tour his apart in a rage leaving nothing in its wake before continuing on its path to him.

There was no stopping it.

He tried to use a deflecting spell. My lightning like magic split into two.

I took a step forward.

My spell-work ripped a whole through his defense.

I took another step forward.

The black lightning-like bolt connected with his shoulder.

I took two more.

Semis dropped to the ground as the second bolt dug into his stomach.

I stood over him as he cried out in an attempt to use his magic. It sparked and then died out against his palm.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" I asked bitterly.

His only response was a choked cough.

"Poor, poor, Semis." I stepped on his outstretched hand, "There's no point in trying to use your magic. Mine is eating it as I speak."

His glare no more intimidating Than that of a bunny. He responded by spitting a mouthful of blood into my shoes.

He was unable to speak, but, unfortunately, not unable to spit it seemed.

I would let my magic tear him apart from the inside just as he had let his do to Cade.

I pressed my booted foot harder against the weak demon's hand, enjoying the cry of agony that escaped his lips.

Black veins had began to creep up his neck and down his arms. His face was now a pale yellow. His eyes bore daggers of hatred into me.


"I'm happy to say this is where we say our goodbyes." I tightened my hand into a fist and when I opened it my nails had extended into claws.

I watched, disintegrated, as Semis, once again tried to pull his magic into the palm of his hand.

I pulled my clawed hand back, taking one more look at the stupid demon who had managed to ruin the one good thing I had found, before slamming it into the demon's chest.

When I pulled my hand back it held an orangey-gray ball of dim light in its grasp.

Semis' soul.

I scrunched my nose up at it.

It was really ugly.

I then, without hesitation, crushed it in my hand.

Semis' body fell limp and then began to disintegrate into dust until there was nothing left.

He was gone.

For good.



"Lucy, Lucifer!" I stoped digging and turned my head in the direction of Lila.

"What?" I growled at her.

"You can stop digging." Her voice had softened.

I turned my back to her and dug my fingers into the wood of the shovel.

My fingers cramped from gripping the tool so hard and my back and shoulders were sore from shoveling so much for so long.

I stared at the dirt that surrounded me for a long while before I climbed out and chunked the shovel to the ground.

Sweat dripped down my forehead but I did not care.

"Hand him to me." I said to Lila.

"Are you sure, I-" I cut her off.

"Give him to me, now."

"Okay, okay." She stepped forward and placed Cade in my arms.

I looked down at his closed eyes, his dark hair, his small body.

My teeth wdug into my bottom lip as I turned toward the hole.


"What are we going to tell his mom, his sister?" Lila spoke from our spot in front of the fresh grave.

I stared at the headstone I had placed at the head of the fresh dirt.

"We don't. We charm them and we tell them he simply moved away. That he will keep in touch by sending them flowers with messages." I decided out loud.

They did not deserve the pain the truth would give them.

I could not let them.


I bet you weren't expecting another chapter so fast! Well, this is the last chapter next to the epilogue. I will try to write that one just as fast if not faster. I am also sorry to everyone who cried. Please, forgive me. >.<

Hell's Innocence (BoyxBoy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz