secret obsession ep 1

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boy Name : kabir aka KT
age : 24
occupation : business man
family :mom dad
relationship : single
Mood : short temper, but has a soft spot in his heart
country : Pakistani currently living in UAE

Girl name : Y/N
age : 22
occupation : still studying
family : mom dad siblings
relationship : single..
mood: short temper, but soft
county : Pakistani but living in UAE

....... STORY........

Y/N pov

I am soo sleepy right now.. my mom came to wake me up.. but I am so lazy to wake.. I checked the time it was 7 : 30 ...
Y/N: no no I am gonna be late..
MOM : Y/N wake up... come down breakfast is ready.
Y/N: okay.... I am coming...
I got ready and this is how I look

 I got ready and this is how I look

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after getting ready I went down stairs

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after getting ready I went down stairs.. where my mom was waiting.. I checked the time it was 7 : 45 I ate my breakfast and went to my university..

At university
I checked my watch it was 8 : 10..and my class is at 8 : 5 mint left.. so I rushed to my locker... to take my books.... it's English class first... when I take my books out from my locker.. I heard someone talking.. when I looked back my friends were standing.. they were staring at me.. I was searching for them.. but I think they found me..i have 4 friends 2 boys and 2 girls..including me we are 5.. today was my friends birthday.. so I wished her.. and.. we went to class..

after class..
Y/N : the class was boring..
Alexa : yup
harry : yeah
John : which class is next?
Kristen : MATHS
Y/N : I don't want to attend.. by the way guys did you all did homework
Alexa : yeah but it was too much
harry : yeah it was easy
John : oh
Y/N and all : what..?
John: I didn't did
Y/N : buddy.. you will get scolded
John : hmmm
the bell rings and we all went to our class.. so John was kicked out from class.. as usual.. he never does his homework.. then. teacher came.. she announced that their is a new student who came...
Alexa : ohhh he is so handsome
Y/N, Kristen : WHAT .... he is not handsome
Alexa : shut up.
so he introduced himself

His pov
I was introducing my self.. when my eyes landed on that girl... she was talking to her friends.. looking at me.. she is cute... hmm.. so I went to my seat... which. was next to her seat..
so I pay attention to what teacher was saying..
when class ended... one of her friend said hello.. and introduced herself.. I also greeted her.. then I greeted them also.. that girl greeted me. but ignored me.. and went outside.. she. looks savage..

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