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In the evening Skye was in the kitchen making dinner, Prince was outside picking some apples from the tree. The phone on the counter vibrated, it was Prince's phone. Skye picked up the call.

"Prince's phone"

"Oh hey Skye. I was just checking on Prince, how is he holding up?"

Skye smiled, it was Star.

"He's fine actually, he's outside picking apples"

He heard the queen laugh on the other line.

"I see you already put him to work, good job. He needs the distractions, i gave the therapist the new address so she'll be there early in the morning"

"No worries"

"Okay dear, we'll talk again later"


He hanged up the phone and sighed. Phone calls with the royals were always awkward for him.

"Was it my mom?" Prince asks as he walked in.

"Yeah, she'll call you again later. She also gave the therapist our new address so she'll be here tomorrow"

"Okay" he says and shows him the apple filled basket. Skye grabbed one and took a big bite.

"Mmh Juicy"

Prince could feel his mouth go dry. The way that apple juice flowed down Skye's chin to his neck made him a little horny.

"Prince? You okay?" He asked.

"Hm? Oh yeah uhm, I'll be back"

Skye watched him walk away. He shrugged and continued making dinner while occasionally taking a few bites of his apple.

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Benedict was welcomed by a foul smell when he entered his home. He frowned.

"Mom? What died?"

Sarah sighed as she lit her hundredth scented candle in the living room.

"Edward was here, he brought his shitty baby inside the house"

Benedict gasped. Edward was free?!

"Wait....the royals let him out? And what do you mean shitty baby? Didn't he change the diaper or something"

She sighed and turned to him.

"Apparently he escaped and shitty baby i literally mean shitty baby. To be clear, he moulded his poop into a baby"

His face scrunched up in disgust. What the fuck was wrong with Edward.

"That's disgusting"

She watched him go up the stairs. She sighed as her mind took her back to the conversation she had with Benedict. No one was to know that Edward was related to them, if it comes out then she will just lie about it. Skye was in the public eye now, one mistake and he'd be chum to a shark filled tank.

"This is going to be harder than making a peach cobbler for Gordon Ramsay"

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Xavier was with his mother. The two were in Susanna's condo waiting for the man that had abandoned them years ago.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Susanna asks. She knows how her ex husband is and she doesn't want Xavier to witness that first hand.

"I'm sure....if i want a serious relationship with Benedict i have to unpack all this luggage i have"

She sighed.



They shared a look of concern before Susanna decided to open the door. A 5'4 man stood on the other side, his brown eyes staring at the two.

"Hello Susanna"

She felt her mouth lose it's taste.

"Hello Enriqué"

Xavier could feel the tension in the room, he cleared his throat.

"Care to come in?"

Enriqué walked inside and took a seat. He looked around the condo.

"I see you still like eggshell white"

Susanna rolled her eyes.

"I'm surprised you even remember the name of the colour"

"You wouldn't stop yapping about it so why act surprised"

"You know what, I'm done"

Xavier sighed. This was going all wrong. After his mother left the room, the two males sat in an awkward silence.

"So where's your boyfriend?"

"At his home, why were you spying on him?"

Enriqué chuckled and pulled a cigarette pack from his pocket, he lit one up and took a long drag.

"I was just curious that's all. But come on son, you could do so much better. I mean if you're going to be a fairy go for some cute skinny twink. The ones that like mini skirts and wear thongs, the ones that will always give you their infinite love."

"How dare you, Benedict is perfect for me. So what he's a little buff, i can handle it"

He scoffed and puffed up the cigarette smoke out of his nose.

"Is that what you say before he stuffs you with his papaya? Son, stop deceiving yourself. You are not gay, in fact you're just confused by your sexuality"

He sighed. He thought he could it but this man was just too ignorant.

"If I see you near Benedict again I'll file a restraining order against you. In the meantime you old fart, you can kiss my log cutter. Now get the fuck out of my mother's place"

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Skye frowned as he sat at the dinner table alone. He looked at the time. Prince had been upstairs for an hour now.

"Prince?" He called out.

No response.

He groaned as he walked up the stairs, he opened the bedroom door and gasped to what he saw.

"Prince what the hell! You're doing it solo without me?"

Prince didn't dare to look at him. He sat up on the bed.

"I'm sorry it's just....i didn't want to move too fast"

Although it stinged his feeling that Prince didn't ask him to do it, he still understood. He sighed.

"It's okay...finish up and come eat"

"....I'm sorry"

"Prince it's okay, finish up before you lose it" he joked and closed the door.

He leaned against the wall and took a breath.

"One step at a time"

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"The royal family has just released a statement that states, Prince Edward has been banned from the palace and will now be on exile. His royal title will be  stripped down from his name. This comes after pictures started circulating on the internet of him running off from a mental facility. The king and queen will be holding a press conference tomorrow morning to discuss the sudden change."

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