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I woke up on a road, a long dirt road. What? Where am I? Who am I? What am I doing here? I thought, getting up and dusting all the dirt off my clothing.

I walked down the rode for what seemed like hours. I didn't feel hungry or thirsty, almost as if I needed nothing to survive. After how long passed I came to the end of the rode.

There I stood at the edge of a cliff. It was huge, it looked like it didn't end left or right. When I looked down I could see nothing but pitch black. The other side was maybe about 2,000 feet away. Something I couldn't jump.

Feeling like I had nothing to lose I backed up really far and took a leap of faith. I closed my eyes and waited to fall to my death, but Surprisingly I made It to the other side. When I looked back there was no cliff. Almost as though it was never there.

Continuing on this dirt rode I looked around myself. A few trees were here and there, but there were no mountains. It looked flat for miles. I kept walking and wandered into a forest like aria. There were huge trees that covered the sun, and seemed to block out almost all the light.

An hour or 2 passed and I reached another cliff. This time it was deep in a forest and there seemed to be no other side, it was just black. The trees vines had grown on the edge of the cliff but only went about a foot or two down.

Do I want to jump again? I thought sitting on the ground next to this huge drop. Well I have nothing to lose I thought again and went to jump. But a force pulled me back.

I fell flat on my bottom and looked around but nothing was there. All the sudden it was night time, the only thing i could see was the moon above head. There were no stars at all. It was just pitch black, the moon was the only thing giving light. It eliminated the trees and the cliff, but besides that all I was staring into was a black void with no beginning or end.

After a little while I adjusted to the light and looked down the cliff again. There were stars in it, maybe a thousand or a million miles away at what seemed to be the bottom were millions of tiny stars flickering and dancing around.

This time I rethought jumping and took a swan dive into the cliff. As I was falling the gravity suddenly shifted and I splashed into a pond of water. Looking up I could see the forest I was in previously. But it was upside down, and the moon was up there to.

I looked back to the water I was in. It was speckled with hundreds of little and big stars. All if them twinkling and dancing in the water. This water seemed to run for miles, never-ending. I played and splashed in this warm water and never seemed to get wet. It was like a big, warm blanket was wrapped around me.

I lied down and closed my eyes, the water was very shallow, just enough for me to have my head stick out. I felt like I was on a warm cloud but at the same time I felt like I was sinking. I opened my eyes and saw pitch black everywhere.

I couldn't move. I tried screaming or doing something but nothing came out. After an hour or so of staying like this I felt something pulling me again. This thing pulled me out of a black sand like pool and turned me around. There I saw a very familiar person staring right back at me. Their eyes glowed like fire coals, and their skin was pure black, as well as their hair.

They grabbed my hand and pulled me into them. I stumbled and fell through them. As i did they burst into a swarm of glowing gold butterflies. The butterflies swarmed me, engulfing me in their lustrous glow. The creatures blinded me with their sparkly gold shimmer that came off them like drops of sun...

And then I woke up.

Thank you so much for reading this weird short story. I was really bored so sorry for the spelling mistakes and all that. I hope you are having a good day.

754 words

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