Tang Yingying was frustrated when she saw the confident and arrogant expression on the female investigator. She wanted to scream out loud and ask her cousin brother to kill this lady.

At that moment, a refreshing aura suddenly flowed into Tang Yingying's head. She regained her composure and reacted quickly. She said furiously, "What do I need to explain? The person who should be explaining is you!"

Tang Yingying was angry but not nervous. The coldness on the female investigator's face disappeared. She said nonchalantly, "In that case, let's go over and see what's over there."

Tang Yingying snorted. "I want to know what is over there too. If there's nothing, you better give me an explanation or else."

Tang Yingying was worried but her heart was extremely strong today. It was still able to beat steadily. This made her calm. Plus, she showed no loopholes in her expression.

The female investigator walked into a walk-in closet. Tang Yingying was afraid that her cousin and his friend were inside but she still encouraged herself and followed the female investigator in.

Fortunately, there was no one inside. There were only clothes. The female investigator inspected the other corners of the room. She left no suspicious spots untouched, but she found nothing in the end.

When she noticed that the female investigator didn't find anything, Tang Yingying got confident. She demanded an explanation for the sudden scare she received at the start. The female investigator had no choice but to apologize. Then, she left the room dejectedly.

When she returned outside, the female investigator shook her head at the leader, expressing that she didn't find anything. The leader was dejected but relieved at the same time. The workers from Beitang and Tang Yingying were furious at their insolence so they glared at the people from Mai'er Fa. The people from Mailer Fa had to apologize to them profusely before running away from the starship.

After the people from Mai'er Fa left the starship, Tang Yingying could finally relax. She was too nervous just now so when she suddenly relaxed, her legs gave way and she fell towards the ground. Suddenly, someone held her up and stabilized her body.

The strangest thing was, even after so much shock and torment, her heart continued pounding stably without any fluctuations.

Li Yinfei watched the people from Mai'er Fa disappeared from her gaze. Then, she turned and said to Tang Yingying, "Sister, it's infuriating how Mai'er Fa is stepping on us but it also proved that something big had happened here. If we continued staying here, we might be in danger. Why don't we leave this place?"

Tang Yingying agreed wholeheartedly with what Li Yinfei said. She appeared serious as she replied, "You're right. I don't want to stay in this stupid place anymore."

She remembered the humiliation she suffered from the female investigator and said angrily, "However, this matter will not just end like this." She turned around instantly and shouted, "Grandpa He, send Mailer Fa a complaint and ask them to give me an explanation. Also, send them a request for us to leave this port. We're going home!"

"Yes, young miss." Tang He's calm voice sounded behind Tang Yingying. The dignity of the Beitang family couldn't be violated easily.

Within the few minutes, the request to leave the port reached Mai'er Fa. At the same time, their complaint was sent over too. Li Yinfei's letter, which was filled with hidden meaning, was also sent to the administration of Mailer Fa.

At that moment, the search team was reporting their findings to their chief.

"So there's no problem with Beitang family's starship, right?" The chief frowned.

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