m i n e

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"Mummy, Mummy!" I felt a grip on my leg. I looked down to see mine and Draco's daughter, Emilia Jean Malfoy - who was five, smiling up at me with a piece of parchment in hand. I smiled as I leaned down to her level. "Yes darling?" Emilia backed away a bit before sticking her paper in my face, "Look at the picture I drew for bubby!" I slightly chuckled as I grabbed the parchment. I scanned the picture that she had drew and smiled at how much she loved her big brother. "It looks beautiful, Emilia." I handed the picture back to her as she giggled, "Thank you Mummy." I watched as she ran up the stairs.

A click was heard from the door behind me. I turned to see a sleepy Draco walking out. I smiled at him as he walked closer to me. "Well good morning sleepy head." I giggled as he pulled me into hug, resting his head on my shoulder. "Good morning my love." I smiled and softly placed a kiss on his head. Footsteps began to louden as they came down the stairs. I turned my head to see our son, Aydin Kai Malfoy, walking down the stairs with his trunk in hand. I smiled as I let go of Draco and walked to Aydin. I leaned down to his level and pulled him into a hug, "Are you excited for your first year at Hogwarts?" I leaned back and looked at him, he nodded with a bright smile on his face. "Very excited mum."


Draco walked beside me as he held Aydin's hand and I carried Emilia. We passed through the wall and ended up on Platform nine and three quarters - which Emilia loved. When we reached the trains entrance doors, we heard our names being called. I looked back and seen Olivia walking towards us. "Ahh Scarlett!" Olivia yelled with excitement as she pulled me into a hug. I laughed as I hugged her back, "Hi Liv." I pulled away and looked behind her where I saw Pansy. "Hello Pansy." I greeted, Pansy greeted me back with a hello.

"Oh my goodness.. you have grown up so much!" I leaned down to Olivia and Pansy's daughter who was entering her first year at Hogwarts. She smiled at me then looked over to Aydin and giggled, running over to him and pulling him into a hug. I smiled at how close they were to each other. "Where's Blaise and Cecilia?" Pansy questioned as she looked around. I looked around also, trying to spot them in the crowd, "I'm not sure, maybe they're late?"

"Blaise!" I heard Emilia say as she ran for the tall man coming our way. Blaise picked Emilia up and hugged her causing her to let out giggles. Emilia and Blaise has always been close since the day I gave birth to her. I smiled at them and greeted Blaise and Cecilia's son. I looked at Draco as the train blew its horn, signaling that it was about to leave. "You kids need to hurry and get on the train before it leaves!" Olivia handed her daughter her trunk. I walked over to Aydin and leaned down to his level as Draco did the same. "Have fun my love. We're gonna miss you." I smiled as I gave him a hug. "I'm gonna miss you too, mum," He pulled away and hugged Draco,"I'm gonna miss you too, dad." I watched as Draco hugged him back and placed a kiss on his head. "Bye mum, bye dad!" Aydin picked up his trunk and began walking onto the train.

Draco and I stood back from the train, his arm wrapped around my waist as I held Emilia. "He's growing up too fast.." I said sadly. "He is.." I felt Draco's grip tighten on my waist. "It seems like yesterday they were running around with dirt all over them from playing in the garden." Olivia brought back a memory of when the kids did that. I smiled as I remember that day...


Draco and I said our goodbyes to Blaise, Pansy, and Olivia and apparated home. Emilia ran straight to the living room and started coloring. I smiled when I felt Draco slip his hands around my waist and placed his head on my shoulder. "Looks like it's just the three of us now.." Draco swayed us as we watched Emilia giggle at her drawings. "I guess it is." I smiled sadly, knowing soon, Emilia will be on her way to Hogwarts and then It'll be only Draco and I.

"You know, after Emilia goes to Hogwarts, it'll only be us here." I felt Draco nod at my words. "Mhm.." Even though I couldn't see his face, I could feel him smirking. I quietly giggled as I shook my head. "I know what you're thinking Mr. Malfoy." I turned to face him. "And what am I thinking Mrs. Malfoy?" He questioned as he smirked. I rolled my eyes and began to walk away but failed when he grabbed my wrist and turned me back around. "What am I thinking darling?" I smiled at him as I answered, "You want another baby don't you?" His smirk grew into a wide smile. "Can we have another baby? Please? Just one more." I smiled at his begging of wanting another baby Malfoy running around the house. "So?" Draco waited for an answer. "I suppose we can try for another one." I answered with a wide smile on my face. Draco jumped up and down with excitement and pulled me into a hug, "I love you, darling." He kissed my forehead before looking into my eyes and saying, "You're all mine." I smiled at his words, "All yours, my love.."

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