f o u r t e e n

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I was now sitting in muggle studies waiting for class to start. In DADA, Tayson tried his hardest to start a conversation with me. I ignored him the whole class. I'm not ignoring him to be mean or rude.. it's something about him that makes me feel uneasy I'm not sure what it is.

Tayson was sat beside me at our desk. He kept turning his head slightly to look at me. I was getting quite annoyed as he did it a fourth time.

"Can I help you with something?" I ask as I turned my head to him. He quickly turned his head to me.

"Uh- I.. I was wondering if.."

"Come on spit it out Williams."

"I was only wondering why you're ignoring me?" He said more as a question. I leaned back in my chair as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I don't have to talk to you or anyone else if I don't want to."

He nodded as he shifted in his seat. "Well um I want to be friends with you. I just came here yesterday so I'm trying to make new friends."

"You've already made some friends. Them being Adrian Pucey, Theodor Nott, and Astoria Greenass. Oh sorry I meant Greengrass." I gave him a sarcastic smile.

He smiled to me as he replied, "Yeah but they aren't as sassy and sarcastic as you."

I rolled my eyes as the teacher walked in. She began teaching and told us what we were going to be learning today.

Dinner finally arrived. I was starving so I basically sprinted down to the great hall. I looked towards the Slytherin table to see none of my friends there. I was walking to the end of the table to take a seat there and wait for them when I bumped into a body. I looked up to see it was not a Slytherin. It was Angelina Noble, a Ravenclaw. She looked at me with wide eyes as she backed away. I looked back at her with a confused look on my face. She put her head down and speed walked away from me.

Once I sat at the table Draco came and sat next to me along with Olivia sitting opposite of us. Pansy or Blaise didn't come with Draco or Olivia so I questioned them.

"Where's Pansy and Blaise?"

"Pansy got detention." Olivia spoke.

"I don't know where Blaise is." Draco shrugged his shoulders.

"Wow what a great friend you are." I sarcastically said to him.

I began thinking about what happened earlier, "Hey do you guys know why a Ravenclaw would be at the Slytherin table?" Draco and Olivia looked up and tilted their heads so they could search the table.

"They're not here now idiots." They both look at me and shake their head.

"I wouldn't know, why?" Olivia questioned.

"When I was walking to the table a Ravenclaw was walking away from the table and bumped into me."

"Who was it?" Draco turned his attention to me.

"Angelina Noble."

We were walking back to the common room when Draco says, "Oh shit! I forgot.. I have to go do something." He walks away disappearing into another corridor.

"What do you think he has to go do?" I ask as my head was still turned to the corridor he went down.

"Or who does he have to go do."  Olivia laughed.

I didn't laugh. I scoffed as I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

"Not jealous are we Scar?"

"Why would I be jealous Olivia?" I asked in a annoyed tone.

"Because you like Draco?"

I froze. I stood still as I watched Olivia turn around smirking.

"I most certainly do not like Draco."

"Don't lie to yourself Scarlett. I see the way you look at him. Like earlier at breakfast? You were staring at him and admiring everything about him while Williams was right behind trying to get your attention for a good 5 minutes." She placed her hand on my shoulder, "I'm your best friend Scarlett. You can't hide these things from me."

A small smile creeped up on my lips. She also smiled. "Okay yeah maybe I kinda like him but I don't know."

"You do. Now, let's get to the common room before we get our asses detention for being out past curfew."


This one was short... I know but yeah 😀👍🏼

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