Pretty Girl

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My sandals slapped the pavement, rhythmically making my way over to everyone sitting around the fire. Wilbur shot me an oh so familiar smile, patting the seat next to him. My mind flashed back to what Quackity had said earlier.

Was he right?  Was Wilbur worth the risk?

I barely had time to think, conversation was flying in every direction.

"George, do you think I could cosplay as you for views, I need them," Minx inquired from across the fire. 

George laughed, and gestured to me, "If you wanted, I could teach you and Addie some Minecraft, while you cosplay me and Addie cosplays Dream, now that would get views," 

An idea visibly popped into his head, "Speaking of Dream, I have a new TikTok idea that involves him, and I wanted to run it by some of you..."

But I couldn't hear the rest, because a new voice filled my ears.

"Do you like it here?" Wilbur asked, looking directly at me.

Dammit, I was blushing again.

"In Brighton? It's cute, a nice break from the noise, but my heart belongs to New York," I answered.

"Fair enough, you do seem like the type,"

I turned to face him, "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, gently kicking his leg.

He chuckled, "You're tough, and like taking on a challenge, but you're a free spirit, which reflects quite perfectly,"

I cocked my head at him, "Alright, Mr. Detail, let me psychoanalyze you,"

"Be my guest,"

"You're also a 'free spirit', in your words, but you're a life-enjoyer, take things a little slower I guess," 

"See, I'm not the only one who's been paying attention, you like me or something?"

"Wilbur, please, you're gonna have to fight for me a little harder than that," I returned, trying to hide my panic.

"Challenge accepted,"

Holy crap holy crap holy crap, what was that? The same cycle of doubt circulated through my head, but still, why would he say that?

"You like me or something?"

"We should put on some music," 

Karl's voice cut through my spinning thoughts.

"Good idea, we can take turns picking," Niki suggested.

The group murmured in agreement, and resumed their dialogue.

"I just realized, I haven't heard anything about your friends back home," Wilbur said, refocusing his attention on my eyes. To be fair, I'd heard loads of stories about his local friends, but I didn't have much to share in return.

"Well, I don't have too many friends I met in New York, I moved there alone, kinda left shit behind,"

"I see...childhood friends you kept in touch with?"

"Let's just say, my childhood friends are no longer my favorite people,"

His demeanor shifted, less playful, and more sincere.

"Ah, well it's their loss," the silence between us hung for a moment, "but when you go back, I dare you to go out to a bar, or club, whatever you want, and make some friends, I think you'll have fun," He challenged, a cheeky grin appearing in the evening light.

I was hesitant, "That would be, uh, bold, for sure, but I don't think I've got it in me,"

"Are you kidding? I've never heard you back down from a dare, if anyone has it in them it's you... it might be vulnerable to put yourself out there, but think high risk high reward, I've found that people are really fascinating if you give them the opportunity,"

Somehow I'd gotten two lectures about trust in 24 hours, which isn't a lot, but it's still pretty weird, I think the universe is trying to tell me something here.

I sighed, "You make a compelling argument Lawyer Soot. How about this, I'll think about it, and if I'm ever feeling spontaneous, I'll let you know,"

"Progress, I'll take it,"

"Wilbur, it's your turn to pick a song," Karl called from a few feet away.

Wilbur turned his head to look at Karl, then to me, and back at Karl.

"Pretty Girl, by LaPeer I believe,"

It was dark, but literally anyone could've noticed my face go tomato red.

Pretty soon, a nostalgic melody filled the air, one I'd never heard before. I closed my eyes, and listened closely to the hard hitting synth of the chorus. I couldn't help but notice the lyrics too...

You may only meet your one just once
Don't leave your dream down in the dust
Get your courage up my friend
Ask that pretty girl to dance

I felt a tap on my shoulder, my eyes shot open, slightly embarrassed I'd closed them in the first place. It was Wilbur, offering an extended hand.

"Care to dance Addie?"

Forget tomato red, I was a cranberry.

"I'd love to,"

I took his hand, and his fingers intertwined with mine. Pretty soon, everyone else had jokingly found a partner to dance with. Well, dance was a strong word, we all kind of awkwardly swayed and jumped around.

Minx and Niki
Connor and Quackity
George and Karl

And Wilbur and me.

His arm reached for my waist, his hand making contact with my skin. Chills shot up my spine, picking up every millimeter of movement from his gentle grip. I placed my hand on his shoulder, finding a comfortable position on his tall frame. His other hand, still clasped with mine, was raised near our hips.

"Is this ok?" He asked, making sure he hadn't crossed any boundaries.

I nodded, and with that we started swaying back and forth, occasionally breaking into laughter. He reached out to twirl me around, which might I add, I pulled off flawlessly.

But as he turned me back in, his hand found it's way back to my waist, this time pulling me in closer than before. He leaned down, his head positioned next to my ear.

"You're the pretty girl, Dee,"

His whisper was soft, but clear. And I had no idea how to react.  

But I didn't really have time, because pretty soon, he pulled us back over to the group, and from there, we broke apart. The warmth from his hands was now gone, and I found myself needing to feel it again.

When the next song came on, the whole group wrapped their arms around each other, in a large circle around the fire, swaying with the music. I had Niki to my right, and Karl to my left. I enjoyed myself, laughing when someone tripped, and joining the chaos of trying to start a domino chain of people, which Connor had started.

But it just wasn't the same. I kept stealing glances at Wilbur, quickly looking away if he noticed. There was some part of me wondering...

The thought hung like a raincloud above my head the whole rest of the night. And to be honest, I don't really mind the rain.

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