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So how did I know of Addie, I paused, considering if I should tell her the full story. I thought back to the first time I'd ever seen her...

flashback, one month ago

I sat quietly on a call with Tommy and Quackity, they were bickering about nonsense. Or, if it was important, I didn't care to pay attention.


I snapped out of my daydream, realizing Tommy was trying to speak to me.

"Yes, Tommy?"

"I'm BORED, what are you doing?"

"Hey I'm entertaining," Quackity pouted, seemingly rejecting Tommy's boredom.

"Shut up Big Q, Willll tell us."

I always enjoyed Tommy's comedic presence, and couldn't help but smile. 

"I'm compiling clips that I want to use in my next video."

"Can we help?"

"If you think you'll be useful, go to my stream from last week, I'm trying to find the funny parts from when I was singing."

"So none?" Quackity added, with a chuckle.

"In the words of TommyInnit, shut up Big Q."

"Will, the part where you screamed 'Jason Derulo' and erupted everyone's eardrums was quite funny, do you have that yet?"

"Aw Tommy were you watching?"

"Wilbur that's not the point,"

I chuckled, "Fan behavior Tomathy, but no, you're right, I haven't found that bit yet."

"I wonder what happens if you just search Jason Derulo on twitch, there's gotta be some stupid shit people have done under that tag," Quackity theorized, sharing his screen and quickly typing Jason Derulo into the search bar.

Sure enough, a wave of clips appeared, all under the title Jason Derulo.

"Oh my god, we have to watch some." He continued, clicking on a few that stood out.

"Wait, stop scrolling, that one has three million views!" Tommy pointed out, mentioning one clip in particular, with a girl in the thumbnail. She had bright coral hair, and was holding a guitar, laughing. Quackity opened it, watching the thirty second video. The audio began to play...

"...wait, does he really say his own name at the beginning of every song?" She burst into a fit of giggles. "Jasoooon Deruloo" she sang out, imitating his iconic line. "Imagine if every composer did that, imagine if in like, classical music, it was written in to audibly say 'Beethoven' at the beginning, JUST so you knew it was his piece..." 

Her train of thought was interrupted by more laughter, and I found myself laughing along. "ADDIE VIOTTA," she yelled, strumming a mash of dissonant notes on her guitar. Soon a knock emerged from her apartment door, "Can you keep it down a notch?" Another voice called from the background. The girl's- Addie's face turned a deep shade of red, before bursting into a final round of giggles.

A moment of silence hung in the air, before Quackity spoke up,

"Now that, was an S tier clip."

"AMEN," shouted Tommy, accompanied by a few claps. "Wilbur she can be your wife."


Well, she was quite pretty, and evidently had an impeccable sense of humor. And it was always a plus that she played the guitar. All of this, separate from Tommy's comment of course, he was going through a wife phase at the moment. 

Either way, I liked her bold presence, which in a way was understated. She didn't seem like the type to be the center of attention at a party, yet she wouldn't fade into the background either. 

"Visit her Twitch profile," I ordered, curious to know more about her.

"Holy shit, 900k followers, how have we never heard of her?" Tommy noticed, eyeing her stats.

"Not everyone plays Minecraft Tommy," Quackity remarked sarcastically.

jump to present

Anyways, to be honest I'd forgotten about her, until Austin announced the Love or Host. It's not like I had any reason to contact her prior, and I'd had a lot on my plate. 

But when Austin tweeted about it, I immediately remembered the day crystal clear, like I'd just lived it again. I figured I'd give it a shot, hoping something might come of it. And thankfully, it did...

fight for me // wilbur x ocМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя