They had a nightmare

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Requested by: Aika_Sakamaki

┍——————- /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ ——————┑

Characters Included:

Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro

Toge Inumaki, Satoru Gojo

Kento Nanami

┕——————(..)(..) ——————┙


Yuji Itadori

Cold sweats run down his back as Yuji jolted out of bed after having a bad dream. his first thought was to turn around and look for you but dread only filled him, even more, when he didn't found you beside him.

his sleepiness wore off quickly as he stumbles out of the bed, barefoot and bed hair still evident. but he didn't care at all as he quickly searches for you. the dream he had felt so real, you were gone, bleeding and lifeless on his arms, and he wasn't able to do anything to save you.

"Y/n?" he desperately called as he raced barefooted on the cold hallway. he doesn't care at all, the only thing on his mind is you, he needs to see you alive and well, he needs to touch you and make sure you're real and safe with him.

hearing sounds from afar, his hurried footsteps brought him to the common kitchen, turning around the corner he was greeted by the sight of you peacefully making coffee. relief flooded his body life cold water.

"oh Yuji, did you sleep well?" you asked once you notice his presence, his eyes lighting up "you look so peaceful sleeping so I didn't wake yo-"

you never get to finish your sentence as he strides towards you and hugged you so tight. pulling you closer to him as much as he can.

" you're okay" he mumbled, face buried in your shoulder while you tilt your head in confusion, hesitantly putting your fingers against his back.

"I'm...okay?" you confusedly repeated while Yuji pulled away and pampered you with kisses.

"I'm not complaining at the sudden affection but what's gotten into you?" you chuckled slightly pushing him away. he doesn't know what to say so he didn't bother responding. instead, he just shook his head and pulled you back to the bedroom, where he cuddled with you all morning while telling you bits and pieces of his nightmare, your coffee all forgotten.

Megumi Fushiguro

It was the middle of the night when he suddenly woke up, his heart drumming rapidly inside his chest as was drenched in sweat from having a nightmare of being alone once again, your bright smile nowhere to be seen to brighten him up.

a sigh escapes his lips as he sat up from his bed, fingers running on his black hair as vividly remembers his dream, it was too painfully real. his first instinct is to call you, he needs to hear your voice to reassure him it was just a dream but the number 3:00 dances across his phone, halting his fingers from dialing your number.

but there's no way he can sleep without first confirming your safe with him. quickly he sat up and exit his room to come to yours. the hallway was cold and dark but it doesn't compare to the feeling he had when he saw your pale and lifeless body in front of him.

quietly as much as he can, he opened the door from your room, a slight relief already passing through his body as he took in your curled up form on the bed. his instinct told him to go back to his room but his body already moves before he can even think.

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