You called them Senpai

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Yuji Itadori

Everyone was busy doing something, well, except for a certain pink-haired first year who seems to be sulking on the corner. apparently, the second years told him to stay put since he and Todo 'accidentally' broke something. luckily, you came to the rescue.

"hey, can you help me carry this senpai?" you innocently asked, pointing to the unbelievable amount of whatever it is that Gojo-sensei asked you to deliver to the principal. as if hearing the voice of an angel, Yuji turn around and sniffled, getting even a little teary-eyed.

"Y/n-chan..." he mumbled, wiping his eyes on the sleeves of his uniform before he switches back to the bright Itadori.

"Your awesome senpai would immediately help you" he yelled as he easily picks up the heavy materials and ran away.

"ahhh yeah, thanks" you awkwardly mumbled, rubbing the back of your head, when he was an earshot away you immediately turn to Megumi for an explanation.

"why is he crying?" you asked, the black-haired first year calmly answered.

"don't worry, it's tears of joy"

Megumi Fushiguro

You walk through the school grounds, looking for the black-haired sorcerer to ask him for some help. between your three older senpais, Megumi was definitely the person to go to. you spotted him along with Nobara and Yuji on the open field, probably training or waiting for the usual late teacher.

"Fushiguro-Senpai!" you called, before quickly making your way towards him. thought you didn't notice, Megumi let out a breathy "oh", visibly stiffening from being called senpai.

"I need help with something, I was wondering if you can help me?" you asked as you flip through your notebook, looking for that particular problem. however, you stop doing so when you notice he was staring at you, but his eyes had lost focus.

"Senpai?" you carefully called, snapping him back to reality as you wave your hand in front of his face. on the sideline, Nobara and Yuji were dying from laughing, seeing the usual stoic boy become flustered.

"Help us too, Senpai!" Nobara tease

"Fushiguro-Senpai~" Yuji added, Megumi gently smiled at you and told you to wait before an irk mark appeared on his face and turn around to scold the other two.

"Shut up!"

Toge Inumaki

His used to being called Senpai but for some reason coming from you sounds different, good different.

"you're so awesome Senpai!" you excitedly told him, hands clasped together as you walk up to him, eyes solely focus on him. the other second-year watched in amusement.

"Tsunamayo" he would say while you nodded along, the others watching in curiosity as to how you understood what he meant.

"Please teach me, Senpai" you added while Toge pauses and pats your head, cue the anime dog ears magically appearing on your hair as you enjoyed his touch.

"how come you don't call me Senpai?" Itadori interrupted finger pointing at himself. you turn around to face him before sticking out your tonged at him.

"Why should I?"

Junpei Yoshino

"I don't understand a word of this" you whined, finally giving up as you slam your head down the open textbook, filled with scribbles and doodles.

"help me" you almost beg, as you look up to Junpei and gave him the best puppy eyes you can muster. there was a moment of silence as he softly smiles at you but in the end, he shook his head no.

"you need to finish this you know, I can't help you every time," he said, but soon flinches as you practically jump on him, clinging on his arm like a koala.

"Please, Senpai" you pout, being called senpai and having you all that cute was rather too much for his heart. how can he find it on his heart to say no. letting out an airy sigh, he ruffled your hair and pick up your book.

"Just this once"

Satoru Gojo

"come on say the magic word~" Gojo teases as he corners you one afternoon, taking your report folder and bringing it up so you won't be able to reach it. you pulled your lips in a tight line, too embarrassed to say it.

"come on~" he smirks, watching you avoid his eyes, the tips of your ears bright red as you cower a tiny bit. sometimes you felt like, Gojo lives just too pissed you off or embarrassed you.

"se..senpai" you shuttered, barely recognizable at all. Gojo only grins widely.

"what was that? I didn't hear it" he teases more as he leaned down closer to you, a hand on his ear indicating for you to be louder. you bit your lip in frustration.

you took a deep breath, before letting it all out "Senpai!"

he smiles so widely before engulfing you in a tight hug, swinging you from side to side.

"that's my cute little Kohai!" he proudly proclaimed, you look over your shoulder and notice Nanami with a very annoyed look on his face as he snatches away the folder from Gojo's hand.

"you're one of the reasons why he has such a big ego"

Kento Nanami

" Nanami" you whined, purposely dragging his name longer. but he didn't even spare you a glance as he focuses on the mission on hand.

"let's take a break, I can't see a single trace of the cursed spirit here, Gojo probably exorcises it already" you explained as you tug on the sleeves of his suit, he adjusts his glasses before looking at his watch.

"We still have 10 minutes before 6 pm, let's go on around one more" he mumbled as he began to walk away, but you were really exhausted already so you stay put.

"Let's rest for a little, Nanami-Senpai" you pout, Nanami visibly flinches before turning around to face you. an unreadable expression on his face.

"don't call me that" he challenges while you smirk in victory

"call you what? Senpai?" you tease, he opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by someone landing right between you two.

"what's up, lovebirds" Gojo greeted, the head of the cursed spirit on hand.

"see, Gojo already exorcised it" you pointed out before Gojo tossed the head in Nanami's direction and pinched both your cheeks.

" show some respect, I'm you're Senpai too, you know" 

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