-House Hunting-

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~Y/N's Pov~

"Y/n?" Lucas asked as he stood in my doorway.

I look up from the tiktok I was watching and looked at him.

"When are we going school supply shopping? I don't mean to bother you but I'm just wondering."

"Well me and you have to go looking at houses today but we can go tomorrow if that's okay?" He adjusted his beanie and nodded his head.

"Is Charli coming today?" He asked stepping into my room a bit further.

"Why do you not want her to? Because if so I'll-" He stopped me by waving his hands and shaking his head no reapeatedly.

"No no no, not that at all. I was just curious because she'll probably be there all the time anyway. Plus I just want her to come." I couldn't help but to smile. Knowing that Lucas likes Charli makes me beyond happy.

"I'll ask her if she wants to come if you want." Lucas just nodded his head, waved and left the room.

I called Charli even though she was downstairs. I had no intention of getting up.



Can you please come here baby? I have a question.

is everything okay?

Yeah everything's fine haha

Okay I'll be right up.

A couple minutes later Charli comes walking through the door with a bag of Skittles in her hands. She sits next to me and smiles real wide.

I kiss her forehead and smile. "Do you want to come house hunting with me and Lucas in a few? He was wondering if you were coming. It would be cool if you would. But don't worry you don't have to. It'll probably take a while."

She takes a handful of Skittles but doesn't eat them until she finishes talking. "Oh of course! That'll be so fun." We ate Skittles for a little bit until we out our shoes on.

"Lucas you ready?" He turned off his game and nodded his head. "Did you eat something? We'll be out for a while.

"I'll grab something on the way out." I nodded and the three of us headed downstairs. I finally got a car so I didn't have to rely on an Uber to get around so that's great.

Lucas grabbed a granola bar and we were off to see the first house.

This house was only about fifteen minutes away from Hype so that was very handy. We pulled into a large driveway an it had a three car garage (not like I'd need that.) The exterior was very modern and definitely LA.

"So what do you think, Lucas?" We all got out of the car and took in the exterior.

"It's nice." He thought it was boring. We need to see the inside. I used the key the real estate agent gave to me and unlocked the beautiful double doors. Our footsteps echoed as we walked in. There was a staircase in the middle of the entryway with a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. A living room to the left and a kitchen to the right. There were more guest bedrooms in the back. We went up the large stairs and there were more bedrooms and bathrooms. It was beautiful don't get me wrong, but it was really big for just me and Lucas.

Lucas kind of had a lost expression on his face. Even though he has been staying at Hype for a little while, it's nothing he is used to. Hell I'm still not fully used to it.

"It's big." He said to me as we headed back outside to the car.

We drove to the next property. This one was about twenty minutes away from Charli which wasn't that bad. It was in a quiet, and secluded neighborhood which I really like. Being on social media, privacy is a nice thing to have.

The exterior was brick and it was a two story house. It wasn't that big yet it wasn't small at all. The interior was very nice. It had a large kitchen, four bedrooms, three bathrooms. I really liked this one and I could tell Lucas liked this one as well. Charli looked at me and smiled. She was team house number two as well.

"So...what do you think, Lucas?"

"I love it."

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