9. The club

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"....gguk!!!....Jeongguk!!!....JEON JEONGGUK!!!" 

Jeongguk woke up to loud bangs on their door and Jeongyeon's voice from outside. He shook his head, not realizing that he had fallen asleep with his diary in front of him. 

He got out of his bed and looked out of the window for a second. It was already dark and way past six. 

'Oh, shit, the party!!' he remembered and ran to Taehyung. 


"Yeah, I'm coming, noona!!" Jeongguk yelled and shook Taehyung violently to wake him up fast. 

Taehyung growled angrily, but Jeongguk got used to his growls. 

"The party, hyung!! They are waiting for you, I guess!! Jeongyeon noona is here" Jeongguk said in a rush and ran to open the door, but gasped loudly and jumped back the next second. 

"Jimin hyung, are you alright?" he asked, staring worriedly at Jimin, whose shoulders were heaving up and down from the deep breaths that he was taking to calm himself down. It was as if he was working really hard to do that. 

"There's no time for that! Leave him alone!!" Jeongyeon exclaimed frantically. "Where is Taehyung?!" 

"He is coming, I guess. We fell asle-"

"Tell him to come fast!!!" Jimin snapped, but his words sounded more like a growl than a command. 

Jeongyeon turned around and kissed him immediately. "Cool down, honey. Shhhhhh, it's okay. Chill" she said with her arms around his neck. 

Her kiss seemed to cool him down significantly and thus, Jeongguk turned around and ran into the room to help Taehyung, only to find him sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. 

"HYUNG!!!" Jeongguk yelled. "WHAT THE FU-"

Taehyung whipped his head towards Jeongguk and glared at him with golden eyes and Jeongguk could do nothing more than freeze. 

It wasn't until Taehyung buried his head back into his hands that Jeongguk realized that Taehyung's eyes were golden a moment ago. 

"Jeongyeon noona, hyung won't be coming to the party today, I'm sorry. He is not feeling well" Jeongguk called out from inside. 

"Who are you to make decisions for me, huh?" Taehyung suddenly asked, but before he could react to that, Jimin burst into the room and grabbed Taehyung's wrist. 

"It's late already" he wheezed loudly as if it was getting very hard for him to breathe. 

Jeongguk could see his eyes flicker gold as well, but because of the chaos that ensued the next moment, he forgot everything about Jimin's golden eyes. 

"Let go" Taehyung growled and this growl sounded a lot more beastly than the first two times he got possessed, but Jimin glowered at him and growled back, successfully shutting him up in the process. 

Jeongguk simply stood frozen, registering how Jimin literally sounded like an animal when he growled. 'What the hell is happening?' he thought as he stared at Taehyung's beard that covered his entire ja- 

Wait, beard?

Before he could dwell on the fact that Taehyung had a beard even though he had shaven his face that morning and had only a stubble in the afternoon, Jimin dragged Taehyung out of the room by his wrist. 

Jeongguk gasped and ran out to stop Jimin. Taehyung was possessed. If he went to a party, he would scare the shit out of everyone in it. 

"Noona, stop him!! Taehyung hyung isn't stable right now!" he exclaimed when he realized that Jimin and Taehyung were no where to be seen. 

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