Chapter 4 - The Plan

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       Brendon's trial was in two days, but he still had to be in the hospital.

The girls got to talk them into letting Brendon be trialed as a minor, and had a plan to help him be innocent.

Maybe he really was insane, and that wasn't the real Brendon.

*     *     *

    The girls met up at the hospital to carry out their plan.

Josephine was strong and awake, and visited Brendon as well.

     The girls knocked on the door and asked if they could visit him... in private.

Becky locked the door and closed the curtains, luckily there was no camera in the room. "Jose, do you have the mascara?"

  Josephine nodded and took the two bottles of mascara out of her purse.

Josephine was wearing gloves. Unlike the plan called for, Brendon had no food, so they brought some hospital pudding for him.

       They would need to make it seem like he was drugged. 

He was still sleeping so they poured the mascara in the pudding, then poured it in a bowl, and mixed it. 

They read that this certain brand had some ingredient that could temporarily impair the nervous system.

After all, even though they were going to help him, they had nothing to lose, he did ALMOST kill Josephine.

"Get behind me." Becky told Julie, and she hid behind Josephine.

Becky approached the boys bed, and set the pudding by it.

She poked his face and he slowly woke up.

He opened his eyes wider.    He saw a small bit of the cut under Becky's band-aid and suddenly remembered what happened.

He began to cry.    "It's okay, Brendon..." She picked up the pudding, "Your our friend, so we are trying to help you."

He nodded. "You will br tried as a minor, however you must plead, insane."

     "Oh, and also you have to eat this pudding."
It's quite strange she's being nice, seeing as SHE was the one who put him in the hospital.

Brendon sat up and took the bowl of pudding.  He took a bit, "This tastes.... weird."

Josephine looked at it, "Like what?" He smelled it, "Like... solventy..."

      Julie spoke out, "Well.. That's hospital food for you!" 

Becky shoved it in his mouth, "Eat it anyways! You need to get better!"

        Brendon finished the pudding and cringed from the taste. He gulped down some water.

     The plan was set.  The lead inside the mascara will seem like traces, as if he used to have some in his body from when he was...... a murderer.

This way, the judge would believe he was insane during the incident, and would be innocent!



There was only one day left until Brendon's trial, and the girls were wondering whether or not the plan would work.

They were excused from school for a few days, due to suspected trauma problems, and were having a sleepover at Becky's house, from the sympathy of their parents.

They were eating Cheetos that Josephine brought and were having a meeting in Becky's closet.

This was top secret, illegal planning they were having, after all.

         "What would your argument be in court!?" Becky dramatically yelled over a cheeto then giggled.

Suddenly Becky's mom yelled, "Dinners ready!" So they got up and ate pasta.


What will happen in Brendons trial?

Will they win? Or will he need to be in Juvenile Prison for a year?


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