June 4th 2021

69 12 43


sorry it's later today, yesterday we did a nine hour drive to get to basque country, it was raining but around five it lightened up a bit so we walked around our town a bit. We got back a little late, and then the chicken my mom was cooking wouldn't cook, and then the dishwasher broke so I had to do all the dishes by hand and my brother wouldn't help me dry them so I had to drive the too. 

I just realised I wrote drive. 

I'm kinda tired and am in a weird position and don't want to move my hand down to the trackpad, because it's really uncomfortable, so 'drive' is just gonna stay there. 

thanks for understanding, 


Happy Pride month! 

Happy Demi, Ace, Grey day on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

yay, we all get days!


yay! another interview!

When did you find out?

I found out at the beginning of this year when I was 18, thanks to representation in fanfiction when I was presented the word and what it meant. I realized I wasn't just strange, but that there were others like me who didn't care about sexual stuff, but conversely, I also realized just how sex-run the world is.  I mostly ingored anything related to sex and in my very limited friend group and family, it's almost taboo to talk about that kind of thing. It's one of the main reason I'm not really out yet.

Are you out?

 I told my gay cousin as I was realizing it, and she was supportive, which was nice. 

Ever accidentally made an ace joke?

 A week or so ago, I was really stressing over my exam. My brother looked me in the eye and yelled, YOU'RE GOING TO ACE IT! And he kept saying it, a couple of times, and I was this close to replying with "Well, yeah, I'm ace!" or something along those line. The puns are so hard to avoid. XD 

How does living in a sex run environment affect you?

 I've realized just how much I've been ignoring the sex run world, but I've found it VERY difficult to find media without the sex or that kind of thing. Because of this, I mostly turn to educational stuff on youtube or find animations or other, almost but not quite kid stuff to watch and read. 


I do have a tip, and that's if you want to watch a movie or TV show without a sex scene, you can go to IMDb and if you look in parental guidance, it will tell you exactly what is or isn't shown (usually). 

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