the day after New Years!

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Hello again!

I'm so sorry I missed it yesterday. My mom went on one of her no screens on holidays rule, so I couldn't make it and I forgot to pre-post it on Wednesday.

Anyway Happy New Years! 2021!

I hope this year is better and the Covid levels go down, we really need to bend this curve if we want to see any real humans that aren't our families!

Coming out story

I'm really sorry if I've already posted this

When I came out, it was in maths class last year to a girl who sat next to me. She wanted me to be her "Gay Best Friend" but I think I'm quite a lame one. On top of that, I didn't realise I was asexual until a few weeks ago. To be honest, it's been a really horrible year, just a giant punch to the face every day, and being gay and ace makes me feel different in a bad way, and coming out seems stupid because why should someone judge you for that, why can't you just be yourself and not say anything? And then, I feel like if I come out as ace people will think I'm lame because I don't know who's attractive. I just hope this year is over soon and then we can all laugh about it. 



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