Chapter 9

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Cap's POV:

We can't continue avoiding each other forever. We have to talk it out eventually

I know it's not healthy thinking like this so I decide to at least try and get my mind off him for now

I put on my usual disguise and go to the museum that Sam recommended. I've heard it's history of my past. Or so I've been told

I get on my motorcycle and head to the museum

It doesn't take me long to arrive. I park my bike and go inside

I wander around for a bit before I come across a photo of my old pal. Everything that happened is on there

"Best friends since childhood. Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers were inseparable"  Someone on the intercom says, narrating

I look down in guilt and close my eyes as a single tear runs down my cheek. I hear quiet cries coming from around me. I glance to my left and notice Bucky lightly crying

I want so badly to hug him

I choose to not let him acknowledge my presence in fear of making things worse

I'm about to walk away when I hear Buck say something

"I'm sorry Steve..." He whispers, still crying

I smile a bit

Maybe we actually do have a chance of repairing our friendship

Nobody || StuckyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora