Chapter 8

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Rogers POV:

My war buddy leaves me stunned again

I've cried so much these past few days, I don't know if I can drain any more tears. Ironically, I'm the guy who always has to show toughness, not weakness. Because of that, I never have time for my emotions

When I first reunited with Bucky as the Winter Soldier, I was in utter shock. He tries to kill me also. Buck hates himself due to it when I continuously remind him that it's never his fault. I want to hug him whenever he's feeling guilty...

Bucky's POV:

Since I was a teenager, I've always saw Steve as more than a friend, but I had to push it down because society didn't take kindly to gay people and I already convinced myself that Steve was normal

Sure I had some fantasies about kissing him, that he was mine

Those never became a reality

Then I fall off a train, becoming Hydra's psycho killer

Watching Steve be with a woman is way easier than what Hydra did to me...

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