Chapter 2

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Cap's POV:

Friendship is more important to me. I'm not going to throw that away with Bucky like it's nothing. Abandoning him for a girl. I'd never be able to forgive myself. I should go talk to him to check how he's doing

I go inside the tower, where everyone reunites now. Clint is with his family and Natasha visits them frequently, Thor is always either in Asgard or with Jane, but makes time for us. Doctor Strange has a place of his own, and it's Tony's tower with Banner kind of being the only person there

Weird, Bucky isn't here. I'll take a look outside

I go out to the back

"Ah, there you are Buck" I walk toward him

Weird, he won't face me. That's unusual for him to do. He's never ignored me, even when he was mad

"Why...?" My best friend quietly says

"What?" I question, confused

"Why would you nearly leave me behind Steve?! Did our century long friendship mean nothing to you?!"

"If I chose her over you, I wouldn't be here" I state

Barnes finally turns around

"Bucky please, you're my best friend" I go closer to put my hand on his shoulder, but he pushes my hand away

"Not anymore..." I can hear his voice break

My entire world stops and crashes down. I land on my knees as I witness my used to be friend walk away

Heavy rain pours out of the sky

I break down. My hands on the cold pavement


I take my hands off the wet concrete then cry my heart out to the sky


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