Chapter 6

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Rogers POV:

Sam is my right hand man. I go to him whenever I need additional support. It's emotional support now. I don't usually ask him to help me with this kind of thing, but the day you lose your best friend, it's really hard to know the path ahead. It stabs you in the gut when it's somebody you've known your whole life

I'm greeted by two kids once I arrive at Sam's family boat

"Captain America?!" One excites

"AJ, Cass, I know you're bouncing with joy, but the man needs his space"

Falcon puts the boys aside

"Hey Steve" He smiles

"Hi" I mutter

"Alright, what's the matter?"

I don't say anything and only hug Sam, not bothering to hide my cries

I pry from his arms and manage to tell him

"70 years of friendship... wasted" That's the few words I say, trying not to choke up

"You're Captain America, the man who fights for what he believes is right, the man who doesn't ever give up"

"This is different Sam" I point out

"Then go and apologize" Falcon encourages

I nod

"I'll try"

My friend smiles and walks away

How can Bucky even look at me after what I did?

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