Spelling Bee-Kini Wax.

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Cameras had wrapped around the room and three tables were set up with boxes over the centre of it all. Sarah had hunched over one of the boxes as she attached a divider, just as she stood upright, the door opened and two smiling faces met the room. Link was practically laughing as he saw everyone, his eyes glanced across to the boxes that were covered in vibrant pink fabric and tacked against the wooden frame.

"Hey, guys." Both men were optimistic as they entered the room and as they spoke, others were waving and calling them towards the front of the room. Rachel stood, she wore an all-black outfit and watched on from the background as Shayne made polite chat with her. The clock was ticking on and watches were checked as they anticipated the last person due to arrive. The people inside weren't commenting on the time but eyes would regularly flick to the door. Just as Sarah was ready to try and work around the problem of a missing cast member, the door opened and Delilah quickly made her way in, gasping slightly as she did that.

Delilah wore a white blouse with sleeves that were short but flowing, her trousers were tight black smart trousers and her hands regularly shifted them, clearly uncomfortable for her to wear as she tried to straighten them out and pull them from her skin. "Sorry, fell over and my car broke down," Delilah heaved out as she placed her bag down and she then faced in the same direction as the cameras. "Shayne and Damien, you bitches." Her tone picked up a few notches as she saw what she had signed up for.

"What's wrong?" A mic was dragged around Delilah and she took the device from Damien as he clicked the box on the bottom of her blouse and she took the chance to clip the mic onto the edge of her blouse.

"I was cooking and Shayne told Damien to ask me something. I didn't listen, and he knew that, I just agreed to do a video." Damien smiled, almost teasing her as he stood in front of her, cutting off her view to the room as his arm snaked around her waist to where the mic box was.

"You look cute when you're flustered," Damien whispered before turning on the mic and walking away. Delilah was silent as she walked to the front of the room, doing as instructed and laying on the table with a box around her core. Rhett and Link were laid to her right, Shayen and Damien sat on her left.

"Courtney did say that if you didn't agree to it, she would get waxed." Delilah's eyes met the boy's and she narrowed her glare at them before a smile crept up on her face, her usual smile that she gave, reassuring them that she was okay.

"I sat in some nettles today." Rachel, for the first time, turned and saw her legs, patches of red rested on her thighs and shins but at the comment, a few cast and crew walked back, the curtain was down on both sides, covering Delilah as they saw the patches.

"Why did you sit in nettles?" Rachel asked, genuinely curious as her eyes glanced across the marks.

"I tripped and fell into them. I was also only wearing shorts."

"It feels a little wrong, watching you." As Shayne spoke, Sarah called to start filming and everyone disappeared to behind the cameras as the board was smacked together and the mark was read.

"Hey guys, we're back with another Spelling Bikini-Wax. It's a new start and we are so excited to be here today." Sarah stood between Rhett and Link, her vibrant energy and perfectly done eyeshadow easily distracted Delilah for a moment as she heard the introduction to the video. "Let's go ahead and meet our contestants today. First up is, Link, and of course, there is no Link without Rhett. Rhett and Link, have you ever been waxed before?" Nods were returned as they heard her words.

"We were waxed over on your channel. We've never had a bikini wax. We had our chests waxed for a video and that hurt, a lot." The pair shared a knowing laugh as Rhett admitted to what they had done before.

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