Chapter 3

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*AN* I know it's short but I promise to make a longer one qwq

It has been a week since I stumbled into Castle Dimitrescu and to be honest, the hosts here are surprisingly generous. Well at least the Lady of the House is, the Daughters on the other hand are still sketched out by me and honestly I don't blame them. A person just waltz into your home and is magically taken in? Yeah I'd be upset too, but maybe I can change their mind about me. I mean, I don't mean any harm against them and I would love to get to know them. I was sitting on the guest room writing in my journal and taking a puff from my weed pipe every so often. I finished what I written down about the current strain I was trying, yes mostly I use my fathers journal for weed strains. Since I left the system I use marijuana to help me out not just medically but financially as well.
As I finished my notes I heard a knock on the door, it was one of the maids who worked in this castle.
"Hello Miss Wulfie, I'm here to bring you some lunch." She said kindly, strolling a cart inside the room.
"Alrighty, just in time I was getting the munchies."I chuckled as I was about to hop off the bed and walk over.
"There is no need there Miss, I can bring the food to you." The maid smiled picking up the tray.
"It's OK ma'am, I am not a paraplegic I can walk." I reassured her.
"Are you certain miss?" the maid asked.
"Yeah, I'm sure. Thank you." I replied. Taking the tray from the nice maid. Then out of nowhere I heard a chuckle and buzzing sound.
"You may not be paraplegic but both of you will be if you are not careful." The voice said still giggling a sinister laugh that practically scared the poor maid away.
The flies came in and formed back into a woman form. It was Daniela.
"Really, bruh? Was that necessary." I spat at her, taking my tray to my bed.
The woman pulled me A-side almost making me drop it.
"For a little mouse who should have been killed off, yes." She spat back. I looked at her then suddenly start to chuckle, "I'd like to see you try, seems like you have a death wish, or have you forgotten this mouse is actually a wolf?" I growled tugging my hand away, but the hooded woman hung on tight. Chuckling at me growling. "How bold, if my mother didn't make us promise to not hurt you I'd rip your insides right now." She said while making a mark on my wrist.
"Oh really?" I jumped over Daniela using her arm to choke her just so she would let go and she falls over. I walked over to her as I relit my joint I put out earlier when the maid came in,"How I was taught in the streets, respect must be earned. Not taken by force or fear. That may work on normal humans but I've dealt with worse than you. Now" I held out my hand, "I also made a silent promise to your mom I wouldn't start fights either. Because she gave me the respect the day I met y'all so I'm returning mine by not killing you."
Despite me being pissed, I still held out my hand to Daniela.
"You think I'd accept your hand, mutt? I rather go to the cold.. " she said spitefully swatting my hand away. She got up by dissolving and rebuilding herself in her fly swarm ability."you really gon make this hard huh?" I asked, "also I understand you don't like me, I wouldn't be so keen on strangers either especially those who invade someones home but honestly Id rather be here than down there with all those humans... Even if my kind are welcome I still feel uneasy due to me being half blooded."
Daniela looked at me and somehow her face kinda changed from sour to I don't know what, but at least it didn't look hostile. The woman looked away from me and simply sighs, and spoke. "Whatever, by the way, mother would like to talk to you. She will be in her study In the west wing." The said before she dissolved again and flown away.

RE Village A Wild Child and A Mother's LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora