I got the job!

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I hurry out of my taxi and reach the tall building. It is like, scarily tall. 

I should probably introduce myself. I am Annabeth Chase. And I pray I am not late.

My mom left me when I was a baby, and my dad never really liked me. He married Helen, my step-mother, or step-monster as Thalia said I should call her. She has two sons, neither of which like me, or have ever said a word to me. Helen was starting to treat me like a slave. When I tried to tell Dad, he simply brushed me off. When I was 7, I had enough. I ran away. Luckily, I ran into Thalia and Luke. We found a camp which would take us in until we were of age. Luke, however, decided to join some evil man who suddenly decided he could take over the world. Thalia is my best friend now. Also my personal therapist.

Back to the present.

My taxi decided being 5 minutes late won't make a difference. Guess what, Mr. Driver? I am now most likely going to be late for my interview. My interview with the librarian, in the most prestigious library I know, Athena Books. I had applied for the interview online, and Ms. Athena said "You seem to have impeccable skill. I would love to have you working at my library. Is tomorrow a good time for your interview or would you like it next week?"

At first, I was like, Wait, are you serious?  After a few moments of realizing she wasn't joking, I told her, "Tomorrow is fine." She told me the time and I booked a taxi. Which brings us to now. 

"Miss Annabeth Chase, am I right?" a sharp voice asked.

After I had checked in, (on time, thank goodness) I was directed to a big room for my interview. I turned around to see it was Ms. Athena who had addressed me.

"Yes, Ms. Athena," I said.

"You can call me Athena," Ms. A- Athena responded.

I didn't respond, there was nothing to say.

"Sit down, Annabeth," Athena commanded.

I sat down and Athena did as well.

"Your full name is Annabeth Chase, no middle name?"

"No middle name."

"Ah, you live with your father?"

"No, I live with my best friend Thalia, but I am planning to buy my own apartment in a few months."

Athena raised her eyebrow at the few months part, but I didn't really care. I just wanted to make a good impression.

"Okay, what college did you go to?"

After some more work related questions, Athena said, "You're hired. Congratulations, you can start as soon as you want within the next seven days."

She handed me a few papers stapled together with all the guidelines and rules. 

"You will be a trainee for now, shadowing a different employee each day until you decide which position you like best. I would recommend secretary for you. However, it may be best to see which one you like best. I want you to be comfortable her."

"Okay, thanks," I thanked her.

After the interview was finished, I checked out of the tall building and decided to get a taxi home. I would probably be too distracted from my new job to walk home, and I didn't want to text Thalia to pick me up. She was supposed to be at her brother's house.

I finally flagged down a taxi and got in. I told the driver my address and he took off.

*˚*˚Time skip to when Annabeth gets home˚*˚*

"Thals! Thalia, where are you? Are you home?" I called out as I unlocked our front door, only to get no reply.

I walked to our tiny kitchen and found a scribbled note on our countertop.

hi annie!
hope you got the job. im hanging out with my bro jason, okay? ill be home around 10. thx!

I roll my eyes at her lack of capitalization to piss me off. I'm happy for her, though. She has been spending a lot of time with her brother Jason lately. I  think about what it would be like to have a loved one as I get out a cup o' noodles from the fridge and heat it up. I wasn't really sure which meal that was. After-lunch, maybe?

Back to my loving topic. 

Growing up without a loving family made me a tough girl. Somehow, I am very loving, though. I think it is because I don't want anyone to go through what I went through. I often saw the look that very child dreads the most: disappointment.

I mean, Thalia loves me. The weird Latino elf dude who I can count on to fix my bike  constantly flirts with me.

But to be in love with somebody and for them to love me back...

That is a feeling I can only wish for.

Hi! This is my first story, first chapter, first everything. Please leave me some helpful criticism. 

Percabeth AU: Nights By YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ