7 ; date!

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it is the day

the day the day

of the date.

saturday, 1pm.

"yo, kaashi" you say, calling akaashi on the phone.
"hello, y/n-san. when are you picking me up? i'm outside th.." he says, trailing off.
in front of him is you in a car, with a light yellow dress, brown flats with straps and your hair let down. "so you coming with me or not" you let out a small laugh. he gets in the car and sits beside you. "so you have your driver's license?" he asks, closing the door. "yeah, just got it like 2 weeks ago," you say, focusing on the road.

a few minutes later you both arrive at the cafe. you stare at him for a second and then hold his hand.

his face flushes a light shade of pink, due to the sudden contact. "is this okay?" you say, looking at him. he nods his head and you both walk forward. "table for two please," he says, talking to the cashier. blah blah blah, time passes and you both have coffee in your hands. 

"..so, what manga did you bring?!" you ask him, an excited tone in your voice. "uh..the jibaku shounen hanako kun..manga." he says, looking into the bag he brought. "ooh! i haven't seen it in stores lately, but i've been reading it online lately!" you smile. "mhm..the story's really interesting but some things get confusing further on. i'm just- kinda sad that..y'know. hanako died. he was an interesting character, and..had a lot of story in him," akaashi nods. you take a sip of your coffee as you two discuss some topics, mostly about books, preferences, drinks, manga and anime.

Time passes by and it's around 6 pm. "oh! it's raining," you say, peering out the cafe window. akaashi looks out the window too and nods his head. you both get out the cafe, thank the cashier and owner and get in your car. 

"do you mind if i call you by your first name..?"
"only if you finished your missed english assignments."
"this is unfair !!"
"okay, fine..you can call me by my first name. make sure you do your missed assignments, though. i don't want you failing english this semester. it is your final year..here.. at fukurodani, after all."
"aww, getting all sentimental now, are we?" 

"okayyy, see you on moday, keiji!"
"bye, y/n-san."

"y/n! welcome home!" your mom greets you. "you were gone for quite a while, were you on a date with your boyfriend?" "..keiji's not my boyfriend, mom. we're just- friends." "oh? but you were on a date, weren't you?" "yeah, but that doesn't mean we're already dating." "whatever you say so, y/n." 

𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐏 | K. AKAASHIWhere stories live. Discover now