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"you guys done with your little chat?"


You and Bokuto turn your heads to see

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You and Bokuto turn your heads to see .. Konoha.

"konoha please, we thought you were akaashi.." you sigh.
"yeah yeah, i know about your little crush," he says sitting down with you guys. "wait really?" bokuto gasps. "is it that obvious or something?" you ask konoha. "more or less. you keep staring at him." he replies. "I STARE AT HIM??" you panic. "yeah, you don't notice?" he says with a stoic face. "no." "you're stupid." he says karate chopping your head.

"you better not tell this to akaashi," you say walking back to the canteen with bokuto and konoha. " 'course not! i ain't no snitch!" he says, offended. "you are. last year you told the teacher bokuto and i were late because we were apparently stuck in the bathroom. which we were." you scoff. "let's just forget about that and go back to the canteen. kaashi's probably wondering where we are," konoha yawns.

"oh. you guys are back," akaashi says with a monotone voice.
"yeah we were just discussing..uh, somethi-" you get cutoff by konoha hitting you in the back. "-A PROJECT!" you stammer. "what subject? i think i can help," akaashi replies. "eNGLISH-" "you suck at english y/n," konoha says. "bitch what?? you're failing math yourself, you too bokuto," you say with b angry tone. "oh yEaah, wait I'm failing math??" bokuto asks , dumbfounded.

..this idiot.

"yeah." - konoha
"yes." - akaashi
"you didn't notice?" - y/n


𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐏 | K. AKAASHIWhere stories live. Discover now