Naaz- the guy who will stand by my side for life!!

Ash- yeah!!!what's wrongs??! U don't want him!!

Naaz- I do!!! And a tear fall from her eyes.....Ashley was shocked.....never in her life she thought she would see this!!.......but he can't be with me world only have darkness filled with screams........and he deserves a life which is bright and peaceful........I can't force him to stay with a monster like me.......he deserve a sweet anglic girl , just like his mom......and don't tell anyone about the kiss!!! If grandpa got to know he will make sure either sidharth live in this mansion forever or kill him so that he can't be a distraction for me!!! Which I can't let happen

Ash- so what r u going to do??!! Make him hate u??!!

Naaz- I can't make him hate me!!! He have a golden heart ash he can only love not hate......hate can only exist in my tainted heart....full of sins.......but I can make him believe that i don't want him!!! And smirked

Ash looked at her sadly- don't do this naaz!!! He loves u!!!he's the one for u!! It's the destiny that brought u guys together......

Naaz loughed dryly- yeah!!! Yeah!!!! But it was a mistake......and he doesn't love me Ashley.......he is just so good that he care for everyone even someone like me who just have given him pain and nothing else.......but he can't be the one for me......he is too good for me......he is like a bright light.....but he will lost it soon of he stayed in my darkness for too birthday is coming I have to work fast I can't let him stay here for long!!!! And left while Ashley just looked at her retreating figure

Ash- why can't u let happiness come in ur life Naaz!!! Why can't u just accept that u fucking love him!!! Why god!!! Why r u not putting some sense in their fucking brains that how much they love each other!!! That they r ready to sacrifice their happiness for each other without knowing that their happiness is in each other!!!

Here sidharth came downstairs and just then Naaz entered inside the mansion......he ignored her and went towards the kitchen and noticed her coming

Naaz- sidharth!!!

Sid looking away- hmm......

Naaz- we have to work fast my birthday is coming and I want grandpa to change his mind so that......and gulped.....u can leave too and he looked at her who had a no expression

Sid smiled sadly- u r too eager for me to leave!!! I thought I was special??!!

Naaz looked away- it's good u leave soon.....u don't belong here sidharth!!! We r friends.....u r spec.....

Sid- tell me when u need me to act in front of grandpa.....just friend and left while naaz sighed and left to meet Eduardo

Sid( I thought after last night atleast we r friends......but that's what she said......was I expecting something more??do I love her??yes I do!!! But how can I love her??!! And laughed faith really liked to play with me.......I fall in love with a girl who will never love me back.....forget about love she doesn't even want me in her life!!!!)

Naaz entered inside Eduardo's officeroom and he glared her then looked back down at the papers ignoring her

Naaz- I don't want to be the mafia queen!!! And he looked at her shocked

Eduardo- what!!!

Naaz- yes!!! Me and sidharth are leaving tonight!!

Eduardo got up and came towards her
Eduardo- WTH r u saying!!! U r born for this throne Naaz!! Didn't I tought u this!!! How can u say this??!! And where r u leaving??!!

Naaz- we r leaving to spend a life together peacefully!! And didn't u had said that I can't take over now!!!

Eduardo- y..yeah I had but that doesn't mean that I never would!!

Naaz- how long I have to wait!! Maybe I should leave bcoz I don't think I am capable of handling all this that's why u r not passing down the title to me!!!

Eduardo- no!!! Diavola u know no one is more better than u for this throne!!! But did a mistake!!!

Naaz- why??!! What mistake grandpa??!! I married him but never kissed him

Eduardo- what??but he's ur husband

Naaz- grandpa u have tought me that all this is just a distraction.....right??!! Eduardo looked at her confused and I just thought he would be good for me as a he is just like grandma....sweet , caring......but I remembered what u tought me.....and he not the one who will be like a drug to tell me did I made a mistake??!!

Eduardo was in deep thoughts
Eduardo- but he's ur husband naaz!!! Didn't I told u that u will marry who is the one for u!!

Naaz- who said that I want that one for me!!! What I want is that throne which u r not ready to give me!!! I don't care how long he is in my life!!! That's why I married him......bcoz I need hiers.......and wouldn't he be a great father??!!

Eduardo- Naaz I didn't lost my sanity living in this world bcoz I had ur grandma!!

Naaz smirked- grandpa I wouldn't mind losing my sanity......I would be that insane mafia queen whom everyone will fear.......the one who will rule over everyone!!! And Eduardo was in deep's ur choice either u announce me as the mafia queen or I am leaving and turned to leave when

Eduardo- I will!!!she looked back at him.........on ur birthday.......but what is Sidharth to u exactly? If he's not the one

Naaz- A perfect husband!!! Who wouldn't come in between me and that throne!!and left

Eduardo- what have I done to her??!!! But it's good that she's focused atleast on her aim!! And sighed

Naaz entered inside the room and sidharth looked at her then looked away

Naaz- sidharth!!

Sid- hmm...

Naaz- grandpa changed his mind!! He will pass down the title to me next week on my birthday and he looked at her and smiled

Sid- congratulations!!!

Naaz- sorry for how I behaved this morning and hugged him and all his anger vanished and he hugged her back.......can we spend time together this whole week.......and sidharth nodded smiling but it vanished when.....last time before u go away and moved back to looked at him who was looking at her hurt and sadness

Sid- sure!!! And she nodded and smiled.....the smile which only he have seen on her face.....and left

Sid( i wish u loved me back but I guess we can't be together!!! But I will make sure to make u smile this whole week and register it in my head and spend my whole life rembering the my baby panda)

Naaz came out of the room and sighed
Naaz( I will try to give u some happy memories sidharth so u don't only remember pain of u think about me someday in future.......and also so that I can feel a bit alive thinking about the beautiful moment u gave me!!!)

Hi guys......
Last chapter me 100 votes nii the but mein update de rhi hu......ach nii tha Kya last vla?? But hope so u like this chapter and if u do then plzzz vote and cmmnts down ur pov.

His Mafia QueenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang