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The next day
I woke up to the sound of my alarm and took a bath. I wore a light brown sweater with a mini grey skirt.

I didn't have any meetings or missions today so i am going to college

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I didn't have any meetings or missions today so i am going to college.
I go to college with Blackpink unnies they are also part of Black rose.
I finished getting ready and headed downstairs for breakfast.
Mom greeted me and gave me a plate of freshly made pancakes.

Mom: sujin about me getting married

Sujin: yes what about it?

Mom: Free up ur schedule today since we're going to meet ur soon to be father.

Sujin: sure i don't have any meetings or missions toady. So after i get back home from college?

Mom: yeah and we're going to meet up in a restaurant so wear something formal.

Sujin: OK.

Mom: oh and sweetie ur going to have stepbrothers.

Sujin: how many ?

Mom: umm 7 of them

Sujin: oh my gosh i mean it's fine if they don't provoke me..

Mom: hunni i already met them once they are good kids.

Sujin: do they know that I'm the mafia queen?

Mom: no i haven't told them i figured you should be the one to say it when u feel like it.

Sujin: aww thank you for understanding mom.Anyways i gotta go now bye mom.

Mom: bye sujin have a great day
I went to the garage to pick up my car
I chose this one 👇

Mom: bye sujin have a great day I went to the garage to pick up my car I chose this one 👇

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I got the car keys and drove off to college.
-----------_----++ time skip ------------------_
I parked my car in the school campus and headed inside.

I saw Blackpink unnies so i walked towards them.

3rd Pov
Sujin: hey guys

Jisoo: how is my cupcake? She pinched ur cheeks

Sujin: Your cupcake was fine. Anyways i gotta tell u guys something . But let's talk about it during the break seminars are going to start soon.

Rosé : sure

Jennie and Lisa : then let's go before the grumpy professor gets angry.
We all dashed to the class room .

Meanwhile with bts.

Mr. Kim: Boys come down i have something to say

The seven grown men came to where the voice was coming from
Jin: what is it dad?

Mr. Kim: i have something very important to tell u guys. I hope u will accept it

Namjoon: of course we will now what is it that's so Important dad?

Mr. Kim: so I've been dating a woman for quite a long time and we're getting married.

Suga: Dad why would we not accept it it's your lovelife and its time u get married. He said sarcastically.

Tae: who is this woman ur marrying?

Mr. Kim :you guys remember my business partner ms. Park?

Jimin: i know that pretty lady from the company building during your meetings.

Jungkook: dad how did u even manage to date her when u were so shy. He chuckled

Jhope: yeah i remember dad was even blushing. Pfft

Mr. Kim: guys no More teasing

Bts: ok.

Mr. Kim : and ur also getting a stepsister

Bts: whatttttt

Mr. Kim: I've met her before she's a smart girl.

Namjoon: ok just hope she's not bad news

Bts(except namjoon) : yeah remember the last time u brought a girlfriend who also had a daughter.

Mr. Kim :kids trust me she's different.
And you'll know it since we're meeting them today for dinner in a restaurant so i hope u guys will clear your schedules.

Bts nodded.
Then see you guys this evening i have a
Meeting to go to.

Jin: ok dad have a nice day.
---------------- Time skip to dinner time-----

Sujin POV:

I came back home from college and mom told me tp get ready for dinner so i took a shower and wore matching outfo. It looked cute

 It looked cute

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.
THE MAFIA GIRL (OT7 mafia brother's X mafia reader)ft BobbyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat