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Third Person POV

As the girls sat at the tables in the clubhouse, waiting for the boys to return safely. Prospects were posted outside and throughout the club to keep an eye on the compound. Waiting for anything to happen they were aimed. Vivian sat on the couch, staring into space as she thought about how her family could place a hit on her husband. Her eyes snapped up as she looked at the mugshot of Grizzly. 

She pushed herself up off the couch, making the girls turn to her. “Vi?” Minx called out to her but Vi ignored her and walked to the clubhouse doors. Ripley, Aubrey, Cleo, Minx and Junko jumped to their feet and followed her outside where she came to a stop in the middle of the compound when she saw the one person they all hated. 


Ripley and Junko stepped forward backing Vi up if anything happened. “What are you doing showing your face around here?” Ripley asked River. 

“I need to talk with Vi and Drew,” River said but Junko scoffed, making River turn to look at her. 

“Not going to happen sweetheart.” Junko makes her way towards her. “You see we don't like sluts like you and I deal with them daily,” Junko said, making River roll her eyes. When Junko heard about the girl standing in front of her, it was like she knew her already. Her darkest secrets were laid out over the table when One-eye told her about River. The moment she heard about the club being behind the death of her brother and other members of the club, she hated them. She wanted them dead just as much as everyone else did.

“I'm not here to see who's dick is bigger. I am here to speak with Vi and Drew” River said to them all. 

“Drew isn't here,” Ripley said. 

“Where can I find him?” River asked them. 

“Not sure,” she shrugged her shoulders. “Might wanna leave, I heard my old man will put a bullet in your head,” Ripley said. 

River sighed and ran her hand through her hair before turning to Vivian, who was still standing there shocked. “I am sorry…” River started to tell her but Vi shook her head. River stepped towards her but Vi threw up her hand.

“What do you want?” Vi asked her. 

“I didn’t know that your father had plans about killing your husband,” River said but Junko yelled out.


“It’s not bullshit, I didn't know anything” River was trying to convince them but none of the old ladies believed her. “I’m trying to tell you....”

“What you're trying to do is to cover yourself,” Vi said as she looked away. “I know what you're doing but it will not work” Vi looked towards her as something flashes through her eyes. “Normally I stay away from this shit but you took my old man away from me. You took my son’s father away from him, Flint was never able to lay his eyes on his child, all because of you.” 

River took a step backwards but Ripley whistled and signalled to the prospects to lock up the gates while others stepped forward. “Nowhere to run princess” Ripley smirked as she made her way over to River. 

Ripley reached towards River but River fought her off until Ripley grabbed her in a chokehold. “I wouldn't if I were you, I've killed people with my bare hands before. One move I can snap your neck.” Ripley told River, her heart was pumping fast. River knew this was a bad idea but she needed to tell them how sorry she was. 

Minx came over and made sure River wasn't carrying anything before the girls took her inside. Aubrey grabbed some rope from the stockroom while Cleo grabbed a chair. Junko leaned against the bar as she watched River, her jaw was ticking. Her finger was itching to pull the trigger, wanting to end the life that sat in front of her.

“You gotta believe me… I… I didn't do the shooting, it was my brothers!” River tried hard to stop her tears.

“Oh we know and they will get what they deserve as well,” Ripley said to her as she tied the rope around River. 


Blood was dripping out of River’s mouth and onto her jeans. She could barely keep her head up and her eyes were swollen. The pain she felt through her body after hours of sitting in the chair receiving punch after punch from the old ladies of the Armoured Beasts. 

Her tears had dried up as she knew this was how it was going to be. They weren't going to listen to what she had to say. They hated her. 

For once in her life River wished she didn't grow up in this life. She wished her parents were normal and not bikers, she wished she wasn't the princess of the Outlaw Bastards. 

“I...I'm so sorry” River mumbled, she pushed herself to lift her head up and look Vi in the eyes. 

“Sorry? You think your sorry means anything?” Junko yelled as she finally had enough. Junko moved to stand in front of River. “I lost my brother while you and your family sat and enjoyed yourselves. I watched as they lowered his coffin into the ground and now you're going to do the same but this time it will be your whole family” Junko said, River’s eyes became wide as they could. 

Junko stood up and pulled a switchblade from her jeans and placed it against River's cheek. “I hate rats, more importantly, I hate girls who use my friends to get what they want. Ever come near One-eye or any of the Armoured Beasts again and I'll slit your fucking throat.”

Vi couldn't sit there anymore, her mind was racing as her leg bounced. She pushed herself up off her seat. “Let her go,” Vi said to Junko, making her snap her eyes towards Vi. 

“Are you crazy?” Junko asked her.

“She didn't shoot into the clubhouse… she didn't put the hit on him…” Vi grabbed the gun from the table and stared at it before she tucked it into her jeans. “I need to go.” 

“Where are you going?” Minx stood up from her seat, making Vi stop just at the door. Looking over her shoulder she saw the faces of the old ladies that had become family to her. 

“Something I should have done myself.” 


BLAZING IN INK (BOOK THREE)Where stories live. Discover now